The Central Florida Corvette Association's Calendar of Events for 2008
Thu 3
CFCA MEETING. At Classic Chevrolet - 7:30 p.m. Visitors and Guests are ALWAYS welcome!
Tue 8
CFCA ANNUAL BOARD MEETING, 6:45pm at Gleasons Grill in the Publix Plaza on E426 Aloma @ Howell Branch. Enter off Goldenrod or @ McDonalds. Private room reserved. This is an annual business meeting to review our SOP, by-laws, coordinate '07 board with '08 board, etc, but all members are invited. It's going to be "Great in 08!"
Sat, 12
NCRS 30TH ANNUAL WINTER REGIONAL MEET, Old Towne Kissimmee. Click here for NCRS event info. On Sat, Jan 12th, CFCA will meet at the KIRKMAN ROAD Cracker Barrel Restaurant at 7:30 a.m. for those that wish to eat breakfast, and then caravan over to the event as a group at 9:00 a.m. Event Chairperson: Steve Wentling. Call Steve at 386-532-6674 or 386-960-3403 if able to attend, or email him at
Sun, 13
CHARITY MOTORCYCLE/CORVETTE POKER RUN for the Russell Home for Atypical Children. Co-sponsored by the Orlando Harley Owners Group, Corvette Club of Orlando, and CFCA. CFCA will first meet at Courtesy Chevrolet (S. 436 by the airport) at 9:00 am and carvan over to Cypress Grove Park as a group at 9:15. The event begins at Cypress Grove Park at 290 W. Holden Ave, Orlando (next to the Russell Home) and concludes with a free private party at Dolly Parton's Dixie Stampede. Registration from 8:30 - 11 am. $15 donation for a poker hand and a free t-shirt. $5 for each additional hand. Last car in at 1:30 pm. Prizes for the top 3 poker hands, 50-50 raffle, door prizes, live music, celebrity appearances, live auction items and more. Stay for the dinner show for only $25.99 per person (regularly $49.95.
Sun, 13
12TH ANNUAL WONDERFUL WORLD OF CORVETTES SHOW, Old Towne Kissimmee. The first 75 applicants receive a free show T-shirt. Click here for a registration form. For info visit or call 321-727-7916.
Thu 17
CFCA MEETING. At Classic Chevrolet - 7:30 p.m. Visitors and Guests are ALWAYS welcome!
Sat, 19
CFCA "COUNTRY TIME" PARTY AT BAD ACRES, hosted by Don & Betty Ashe, 1670 Tallapoosa Dr, Geneva (Seminole Woods), FL. Party starts at 2:00 pm. Western attire encouraged. Don will smoke the meat, bring a special dish to share (optional). A country Hayride, too! RSVP to 500-349-2234 (Ashe's) strongly encouraged. Or sign up at the meeting. Click here for a flyer.
Sat, 19
REFLECTIONS IN GLASS XXV Boca Raton, FL – Rain or Shine, “Reflections in Glass XXV” Corvette and GM Car/Truck Show sponsored by Lou Bachrodt Chevrolet -- One of the largest judged Corvette shows in Florida. Two great shows, one location at Mission Bay Plaza on the NW corner of Glades Road and 441. There are 63 judged classes starting at 12 noon. Registration fee $30 by January 12, 2008 or $35 day of show. Registration closes at 11:30. Awards for 1st and 2nd place in each class and club participation for Corvette as well as GM Cars & Trucks. Live DJ is "Scott the Music Man"; food and beverages available in plaza; door prizes, silent auction and more. For information: or contact a member in Broward 954-481-9763, Palm Beach 561-963-9848, Dade 954-985-8310.
Sat 2
CARS FOR THE CURE DRIVEOUT. Join us for a driveout to an exotic car show. We will see some very nice high end sports cars, including Ferraris, Lamborghinis, Maseratis, Porsches, and even some Corvettes. We do not intend to enter the show (it's very pricey, but if you are interested check the website for entry info). The show location is Colonial Town Park at the corner of SR 46a and International Dr. CFCA will meet at the Lake Mary rest area on I-4 east at 9:30am for a 10:00am departure. After spending an hour or two confirming that Corvettes are still the most awesome cars on the planet, we will drive over to the Port of Sanford on the St Johns River for lunch at Captains Cove around noon. Chairperson: Gary Dzikowski.
Thu 7
CFCA MEETING. At Classic Chevrolet - 7:30 p.m. Visitors and Guests are ALWAYS welcome!
Sat 16
UPTOWN LOFTS CAR SHOW, 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm, Cranes Roost Park at Uptown Altamonte. Free car show for all comers. The show is open to all makes and models and includes awards for: People's Choice, Best of Show, Pre 1930, 1930-1949, 1950-1969, 1970-1989, 1990-2008. There will be food and beverages available for purchase inside the venue. The special guest for this event is the Rockin' Roadster Oldies Show. The centerpiece for the show is Peggy Sue, a 1929 Ford Roadster with flames and all of the trimmings for this fifties style hot rod. The interactive show features your host, "DJPJ", spinning your favorite sock hop hits while performing costumed skits to the music. "DJPJ" will have you hula-hooping and doing the "Hand Jive" and "Twist" all afternoon long. Registration is from 1 to 2 pm. Judging is from 3 to 5 pm. Awards will be presented at 5:30 pm. This free event is limited to the first 100 cars to register. This show is presented by the Uptown Lofts Apartments. Click here for more info.
Thu 21
CFCA MEETING. At Classic Chevrolet - 7:30 p.m. Visitors and Guests are ALWAYS welcome!
Sun, 24
TIJUANA FLATS CAR SHOW 991 E. Semoran Blvd, Cassleberry. For info call 500-617-4201. Click here for a flyer.
MARCH 2008
Fri-Sat, 7-8
ECKLER'S CORVETTE REUNION. Just around the corner from us in beautiful Celebration, FL. Pre-Registration ONLY. No registration on Saturday, March 8th, Limited Space Available. THIS SHOW IS NOW FULL -- NO MORE SHOW REGISTRATIONS ACCEPTED. On Sat, Mar 8th, CFCA will meet at the Cracker Barrel on Kirkman Road at 8:00 am, departing at 8:30 am for the show (arrive earlier if you want to have breakfast). Map to Celebration. For more info on the show, go to or contact the CFCA Chairperson, Steve Wentling at 386-960-3403 or email
Thu 6
CFCA MEETING. At Classic Chevrolet - 7:30 p.m. Visitors and Guests are ALWAYS welcome!
Sat, 15
56TH ANNUAL MOBIL-1 12 HOURS OF SEBRING. Special Corvette Corral ticket packages are available through Sebring International Raceway (visit for info). You MUST have one of these special tickets to park in the Corvette Corral. Cost is $233 for two one-day tickets, or $153 for a single one-day ticket, which includes Corvettes only parking in the corral. The package also includes a hospitality tent with lunch served, snacks, drinks, TV coverage of the race, GM displays and a special reserved grandstand viewing area for corral members only. Corral tickets must be ordered by phone or by US Mail, they are not available through the Sebring web site. Call 800-626-7223 to order. When ordering be sure to request the Corvette Corral tickets. CFCA will be departing from the BP gas station adjacent to the Cracker Barrel Restaurant on 417 & OBT on Sat, March 15th. Meet at 4:30am for a 5:00am departure. It's about a 90 minute drive, and we usually stop once along the way. CFCA Chairperson: Gary Dzikowski (
Sat, 15
TOM GIBBS CHEVROLET 1ST ANNUAL CORVETTE DISPLAY. A free car show with free food, too. At Tom Gibbs Chevy, 3865 East Highway 100, Palm Coast, FL 32137. Display your Corvette for free. 10 am to 3 pm rain or shine. Dealer Choice Awards. Enjoy complimentary hot dogs, hamburgers, and soda. Directions: I-95 to exit 284, west on route 100 0.6 miles and Tom Gibbs Chevy is on the right. For show info contact CFCA Member Steve Wentling has volunteered to chair the drive
out. We will meet at the McDonalds first exit on right after St Johns River bridge I-4 in Deltona at 8:30 am, and Caravan up. Let Steve know right away if you plan to join him as he needs need to reserve our spots by Wednesday morning. Steve's Cell is 386-960-3403 or 386-532-6674 or e mail
Sun 16
NCCC REGIONAL MEETING. The location is 12 noon, at the Orlando Sun Resort (the old Hyatt.) It is located on 192 next to I-4. All NCCC members are welcome. Visit NCCC South for more info.
Thu 20
CFCA DINNER MEETING. The location is Sam Seltzer's Restaurant located on Hwy 436 (just past SR 427) in Altamonte Springs, starting at 7:00 p.m. They have great food and it should be fun. Hope that all members will attend. If you think you are coming, please email Ned Chatelain at It would be appreciated. Bring a guest that might be interested in joining the Best Corvette Club in Florida!!
Sat 28
CORVETTES IN THE SUNSHINE V. Sponsored by the Citrus County Corvette Club. Event held at Crystal Chevrolet, 1035 S Suncoast Blvd, Homosassa, FL. Corvettes pre-registered ($25) before March 10th receive an event t-shirt and dash plaque. After March 10th $30. Show limited to 110 Corvettes. Elvis impersonator, Vendors, DJ music. Judging from 1130 am. To register or for more information visit
Sun 30
WING HOUSE POKER RALLY. Sponsored by the Bay Area Corvette Club in Clearwater. Registration and starting point location is the Wing House, 7369 Ulmerton Road, Largo, FL 33771. To register or for more information visit
APRIL 2008
Thu 3
CFCA MEETING. At Classic Chevrolet - 7:30 p.m. Visitors and Guests are ALWAYS welcome!
Sun, 6
COUNTRY JAM FOR THE RUSSELL HOME Outdoor Music Festival at Cowboys, 1108 S. Orange Blossom Trail, Orlando, 32805, from 2 pm to 7 pm. Proceeds to benefit the Russell Home for Atypical Children. The event will include performances by Johnny Bulford and the Johnny Bulford Band, Jim Van Fleet & the Reign, Hayfire, Showdown, Michael Ray and Jeff Hurst. Special appearances by local celebrities. The event offers fun for all ages, food, drinks, music, raffle, silent auction and the opportunity to meet the residents and volunteers of the Russell Home. Doors open at 3:00pm. Admission is $5.00 per person. Click here for more info or call 500-422-7115.
Sat, 12
UPTOWN ALTAMONTE 2008 CORVETTE SHOW sponsored by the Florida Corvette Club. 8 am to 4 pm (All cars must be parked by 9:30 am). Corvettes entered in the show cannot leave until 4 pm. No pets or alcoholic beverages permitted. Judged Classes: C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, Best of Show OR People's Choice Top 20. City of Altamonte Choice Award, Dealer's Choice Award, FCC President's Choice Award, Show Chairperson's Choice Award; Club Participation Award. $35.00 per vehicle entry fee includes one event t-shirt. Net proceeds benefit Altamonte Springs Optimist Club and other local charities. Click here for registration form. CFCA will meet at the Cracker Barrel Restaurant at 285 Douglas Avenue, Altamonte Springs at 8:15am on Saturday April 12th, then drive over to the show. Douglas Avenue is right off I-4 near 436. All members and guests welcome. CFCA Chairperson: Steve Wentling (386-960-3403).
Sun 13
CFCA HOOTERS DRIVEOUT. Drive your Corvette and join us for lunch at Hooters in East Orlando on Lake Underhill Road (across from the new Harley Davidson dealership). Arrive by 2:00 pm. Visitors and Guests are ALWAYS welcome! CFCA Chairperson: Patti Hutchinson.
Thu 17
CFCA MEETING. At Classic Chevrolet - 7:30 p.m. Visitors and Guests are ALWAYS welcome!
Sat 19
CORVETTES AT THE BAY. NCCC (7 events) Concours Car Show at Estero Bay Chevrolet, 10640 Chevrolet Way, Estero (near Naples), FL 33928. Sponsored by Corvettes of Naples and America's Corvette Club. Pre-Registration only! Registrations must be received by March 30th. Check-in time 8:00 am, judging begins 9:30 am. Entry fee $50.00. For show info call Glenn Hutchinson at 239-772-0705.
Sat 19
VETTES AT THE PORT. NCCC People's Choice Car Show. Registration from 8:00 am to 11:30 am. Entry fee prior to Apr 12, $25.00, after Apr 12, $30.00. First 100 pre-registrations receive a free t-shirt and dash plaque. Awards given in 9 classes. For more info visit CFCA will depart from the Cracker Barrel Restaurant off Highway 50 and Exit 215 (I95 west) at about 9:30 am. Arrive earlier if you want to have breakfast. CFCA Chairperson: Wiley Boland.
Thu-Sat 24-26
C5/C6 BIRTHDAY BASH AT THE NCM. Annual C5/C6 event at the National Corvette Museum, Bowling Green, KY.
MAY 2008
Thu 1
CFCA MEETING. At Classic Chevrolet - 7:30 p.m. Visitors and Guests are ALWAYS welcome!
Sat 3
CFCA 35TH ANNIVERSARY PARTY, at Seminole Woods Park, Geneva, FL (Don & Betty Ashe's housing area). From 1 p.m. until??? Meat will be provided. Members are asked to bring a dish to share and an unwrapped item to be used in the 50/50 (the number drawn will pick from items available). The park has a covered pavilion and amenities. Have a jet ski or boat? Bring it! There is a boat ramp. Click Here for a Map Link. After going through the guard station at the entrance on Seminole Woods Blvd, take the first right onto Pinehill Blvd. Then take right onto Valley Stream Drive thru the park gate and proceed to the covered pavilion. There are also signs along the way to the park. Or just ask the guard at the gate if you need directions. Don & Betty will be at the park by 11 am so arrive early if you would like to us help decorate. BTW, May 3rd is Marsha's birthday and she'll be at the party. Come help us celebrate 35 years of Corvette fun in the sun!!!
Thu-Sat 8-10
THE GATHERING AT THE NCM. Annual ZR-1/Grand Sport/C4 Gathering at the National Corvette Museum, Bowling Green, KY. The weekend will consist of drag racing, road tours, specialty seminars and much more. In the evenings there will be a BBQ, Go Karting, "Owners Night Out" dinner and an event banquet with benefit auction in the NCM Skydome. Several CFCA Members are planning to attend so if interested, contact the CFCA Chairperson, John "Hutch" Hutchinson, at for info.
Thu 15
CFCA MEETING. At Classic Chevrolet - 7:30 p.m. Visitors and Guests are ALWAYS welcome!
Fri-Sun 16-18
SOUTHERN MOTORSPORTS FEST at the Lake County Fairgrounds in Eustis, Florida. One of the activities will be an open Car, Truck & Motorcycle Show, on Saturday, May 17th. Registration will open at 9 am and conclude at Noon (any car in line at that time will be accepted, but no one arriving past Noon). Entry fee is only $10 and includes the driver's admission to the full schedule of activities on that date. Passengers and spectators will pay admission charges. Over 40 trophies will be awarded, plus other prizes. A minimum of 3 vehicles must be entered in a category for trophy to be awarded. A Club Participation Award will also be presented. Other activities include truck tug-o-war grudge matches, a burnout contest, stereo sound competition, a bikini contest and more! Stay for the evening's activities, including a professional monster truck show, Harley motorcycle sled pulls, demolition derby and much more! For more info contact Gale Hill at
Sat 17
NCCC FLORIDA REGION LOW SPEED AUTOCROSS, closed exhaust, 5 sanctions, Gaines Road, St Augustine. Click here for a flyer.
Sat 17
VETTES AT THE LIGHT at Davies Lighthouse Park, adjacent to the Ponce Inlet Lighthouse. Sponsored by the Ponce Inlet Corvette Club. 10 am - 4 pm. Limited to first 125 Corvettes. Pre-Registration ONLY. Click here for a Registration Form. CFCA will meet at the Perkins Restaurant off I-4 exit 111 B in Orange City. Perkins is on Saxon Blvd. Head west on Saxon, Perkins is on the left. We will meet at 7:30 for breakfast and depart for the show at 8:30 am. Show spaces are going fast. Call the number on the registration form to see if there are still spots available if entering. If planning on attending, please let Steve know by calling 386-960-3403. CFCA Chairperson: Steve Wentling.
Sun 18
NCCC REGIONAL MEETING. The location is 12 noon, at the Orlando Sun Resort (the old Hyatt). It is located on 192 next to I-4. All NCCC members are welcome. Visit NCCC South for more info.
JUNE 2008
Thu 5
CFCA MEETING. At Classic Chevrolet - 7:30 p.m. Visitors and Guests are ALWAYS welcome!
Sat 7
NCCC FLORIDA REGION CONCOURS, 7 sanctions, Eckler's Corvette Parts, Titusville. Click here for a flyer.
Sat 7
NCCC FLORIDA REGION LOW SPEED AUTOCROSS, closed exhaust, 5 sanctions, Gaines Road, St Augustine. Click here for a flyer.
Sat 14
VETTE'S AT THE VILLAGE PEOPLE'S CHOICE CORVETTE SHOW, 7 sanctions, World Golf Village, St Augstine. Click here for a flyer.
Thu 19
CFCA DINNER MEETING. Village Tavern, 4157 Conroy Rd, Orlando, 32839 - Located at the Mall at Millenia - 7:00 p.m. Visitors and Guests are ALWAYS welcome! Click Here for a Mapquest link.
Sat 21 - Fri 27
NCCC ANNUAL NATIONAL CONVENTION, Tulsa, Oklahoma. Click here for a flyer.
Sat 21
AN EVENING WITH PAUL AND FRIENDS, a fundraiser for the Russell Home for Atypical Children. Lots of music, singing, and fun. Hors D’Ouevres will be served plus door prizes, too. Event to be held at the Palace Club at Sing Along Music World’s Backroom,
222 S. Semoran, Orlando, FL 32807. Click here for a flyer or call Sharon for tickets at 407-925-1275.
Sun 22
ROGER'S CRUZ'IN PLANNING MEETING #1. Beginning at 1 p.m. at Hutch & Patti's house, 13644 Crystal River Dr, Orlando 32828, ph 407-281-3874. We'll order pizza or go to Hooters afterwards for lunch. All CFCA Members wanting to help are encouraged to attend. We need EVERYONE's help in CFCA to help plan, organize, and hold this event as our major annual fundraiser for the Russell Home for Atypical Children. As this is our Kickoff Meeting please try to attend and get involved! If you cannot attend the meeting but still want to volunteer to help at the event, let us know and we'll include you in our plans! Email if you need directions.
Fri 27
SMOKE 'EM IF YOU GOT 'EM! There are a number of CFCA members that "like CIGARS" and we would like you to join us!!! Wiley, Mark, Greg, Don and the rest of you know who you are... please join us from 5pm until about 7:30-ish on Friday, June 27 at The Ol' Times Cigar store (a CFCA sponsor) next to Rolando's Restaurant just up the street from Red Bug Road on Hwy 436, going North. Going South, it is on the left just past Rachel's Club on Hwy 436. Males & Females are welcome. Let us know, if possible, if you can attend. This not a CFCA club event, per se, but a spur of the moment, fun thing to do. Try to make it, it will be fun! Email Ned Ned Chatelain at or call 407-671-9599.
Fri 27
NATIONAL DRIVE YOUR CORVETTE TO WORK DAY. The goal is to have as many Corvette owners as possible drive their car to work this day. Launched in 2001, Mid America Motorworks’ Drive Your Corvette To Work Day is an annual event celebrated by thousands of Corvette owners. This year’s event is especially noteworthy as 2008 is GM’s 100th anniversary. The Chevrolet Corvette is arguably GM’s greatest contribution to the automotive world. Corvette owners who observe “Drive Your Corvette To Work Day” are encouraged to send photos or high resolution digital pictures of their car at work to
JULY 2008
Thu 3
CFCA MEETING CANCELLED! Due to the 4th of July holiday, there will be NO meeting on July 3rd. The next regular meeting will be at Classic Chevrolet on July 17th. Have a safe and happy July 4th!
Sun 13
NCCC FLORIDA REGION LOW SPEED AUTOCROSS, closed exhaust, 7 sanctions, Naples, FL. Click here for more info.
Thu 17
CFCA MEETING. At Classic Chevrolet - 7:30 p.m. Visitors and Guests are ALWAYS welcome!
Sat 19
NCCC FLORIDA REGION LOW SPEED AUTOCROSS, closed exhaust, 5 sanctions, Gaines Road, St Augustine. Click here for a flyer.
Sat 19
ECKLERS CASINO CRUISE. Sorry, this event has been CANCELLED since the Sterling Casino Cruise Line has gone out of business. Eckler's hopes to make similar arrangements with a new Casino cruise line coming to town (not Sun Cruz) for future events.
Sun 20
ROGER'S CRUZ'IN PLANNING MEETING #2. The Roger's Cruz'In Planning Meeting originally scheduled for Sunday, 20 July has been CANCELLED! Or to be more correct, we have postponed it to the following month -- Sunday, 17 August, at Kim & Lisa Cole's home! We are cancelling this Sunday's meeting only because the big things seem to be pretty much on track and we have club volunteers for most all of the major positions. We still need everyone to continue moving forward collecting door prizes and auction items. With your help, we can make this year's show the best one yet for the Russell Home! Email if you have questions or wish to volunteer or donate.
Jul 31 -Aug 3
VETTES ON THE ROCKIES 2008. Huge Corvette event featuring shows, driving events, road trips, and more in and around Breckenridge and Frisco, Colorado. A few CFCA Members are planning on making the trip this year. See the LGCA web site for more info. CFCA Chairperson: John "Hutch" Hutchinson.
Thu 7
CFCA MEETING. At Classic Chevrolet - 7:30 p.m. Visitors and Guests are ALWAYS welcome!
Sat 9
NEW SMYRNA BEACH CARSHOW DRIVEOUT. We will take a leisurely drive to the big Canal Street car show in New Smyrna Beach. Meet at the Longwood/Lake Mary I 4 East bound rest stop (just north of 434 exit) at 3:00pm, departing at 3:15pm. Come join us! CFCA Chairperson: Don Ashe.
Sat 16
CHRIS CRUZ ARTISTRY DRIVEOUT. We will take a leisurely drive to visit auto and motorcycle artist extraordinairre, Chris Cruz, at his facility at 1622 Parade Circle, DeLand, Florida 32724 ( They will have a nice lunch for us and a tour of their impressive workshop. The more people the better and we will need an approx. headcount as the date gets closer. We will meet at the eastbound Lake Mary rest stop on I-4 just past Hwy 434 in Longwood at around 10:15am and depart at 10:30am. Map quest Directions: I-4 to last Deland exit which is #118 Highway 44, west on Hwy 44 to N. Kepler Road (CR-4101), 2.7mi, Turn left onto E. International Speedway Blvd. (US-92W) 2.6mi, Right onto N. Woodlands Blvd. (US-17N), 0.2mi, Right onto Old Daytona Road 0.1mile, left onto Parade Ave to 1622 Parade Circle. Approx 36 miles. Come join us! CFCA Chairperson: Ned Chatelain.
Sat 16
NCCC FLORIDA REGION LOW SPEED AUTOCROSS, closed exhaust, St Augustine. Click here for more info.
Sun 17
ROGER'S CRUZ'IN PLANNING MEETING #2. Beginning at 1 p.m. at Kim & Lisa Cole's home, 8665 Hillside Drive, Orlando, 32810, ph 407-299-0380. All CFCA Members wanting to help are encouraged to attend. We need EVERYONE's help in CFCA to help plan, organize, and hold this event as our major annual fundraiser for the Russell Home for Atypical Children. Please try to attend and get involved! If you cannot attend the meeting but still want to volunteer to help at the event, let us know and we'll include you in our plans! Email if you have questions.
Thu 21
CFCA MEETING. At Classic Chevrolet - 7:30 p.m. Visitors and Guests are ALWAYS welcome!
Thu-Sun 21-24
CORVETTES AT CARLISLE. One of the nation's largest Corvette shows featuring the largest collection of Corvette parts and accessories vendors! Make your reservations early as hotels book up fast. Huge swap meet, vendor displays, Corvette give-away, and much more. Visit for more info. CFCA Chairperson: John "Hutch" Hutchinson.
Sat 23
RICHIE'S CUSTOM DETAILING SEMINAR. A very special Detailing Clinic to be hosted by CFCA member Richie Carbone ( to be held at the Bad Acres (The Ashe Ranch), 1670 Tallapoosa Dr, Geneva (Seminole Woods), FL, starting at 10:00 am. CFCA Members and invited guests only, please. CFCA Chairperson: Don Ashe.
Thu-Sat 28-30
ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION AT THE NCM. The 14th Anniversary of the National Corvette Museum will continue as past Labor Days and remain a “members only” event. Everyone registering for the Anniversary Celebration will be either an existing member or become one as part of the registration process. We will continue the Celebration as a member-driven event, which unites friends, family and enthusiasts for a look back on the Museum's history and future! Those registered can enjoy 3 days of displays, road tours, special video presentations, raffles, the annual open Membership meeting and more during this event in honor of your help and support! The event will also include the Lifetime/VIP dinner, a 10-year/15-year member recognition, Ambassador Breakfast, and the “Corvette Hall of Fame” Induction Ceremony and banquet where we will induct new members into the prestigious and elite group of recipients who have made a significant contribution to Corvette history. Click Here for details.
Thu 4
CFCA BOARD MEETING. At Classic Chevrolet - 6:30 p.m. just prior to our regular business meeting. All board members should attend. The meeting is open to regular members, as well.
Thu 4
CFCA MEETING. At Classic Chevrolet - 7:30 p.m. Visitors and Guests are ALWAYS welcome!
Sat 6
STEAK 'N SHAKE CRUISE. There is a Cruise Saturday at Steak 'n Shake / Red Lobster located at the north end of Town Center (Sanford Mall). Those CFCA Members interested are invited to meet us at the eastbound I-4 /434 Rest Stop at 4 pm. Please RSVP via email to
Sun 7
CORVETTES IN VENICE 5TH ANNUAL VETTE-TOGETHER SHOW. Downtown, Venice, Florida. Welcome Party, Sat, Sep 6th. Clean & Shine Judged Show on Sunday. Multiple classes and awards plus $100 Club Participation Award, door prizes, 50-50, vendors, food, DJ. $30 registration fee includes 1 show t-shirt & 2 passes for Welcome Party. Hotel discounts available. Visit registration form or email for more information.
Thu-Sat 11-13
ZO6 FEST AT THE NCM. The Z06 Fest is geared towards ultra-performance fans and returns to cooler weather in its new time slot of September 11 - 13, 2008. Enjoy everything you want and need at an event focusing on speed and performance! Co-hosted by, this event brings enthusiasts together for a fun-packed three days with activities including road and lunch tours, seminars to give the latest Corvette performance updates, drag racing, autocross, “People's Choice” car show, and the Z06 banquet, awards presentation and benefit auction. Click Here for details.
Thu 18
CFCA DINNER MEETING, 7:00 p.m., at Paddy Murphy’s Irish Pub/Restaurant located in Baldwin Park, 4982 New Broad St., Orlando, FL 32814. This is one of our NEW Sponsors! Come have a good meal and a good time! Visitors and Guests are ALWAYS welcome!
Fri-Sun 19-21
MID AMERICA FUN FEST. Huge Corvette show hosted by Mid America Motorworks in Effingham, Illinois as a way of saying "Thank You!" to their Corvette customers. This FREE event is one of the largest Corvette gatherings in the world. Over 15,000 Corvettes and over 45,000 Corvette enthusiasts participated in Corvette Funfest 2007. Some CFCA members are planning to attend. See the MAM web site for more info. CFCA Chairperson: John "Hutch" Hutchinson.
Sun 21
NCCC REGIONAL MEETING. Starting at 12 noon at the Orlando Sun Resort (the old Hyatt) on 192 next to I-4. All NCCC members are welcome. Visit NCCC South for more info.
Sat 27
NCCC FLORIDA REGION LOW SPEED AUTOCROSS, closed exhaust, St Augustine. Click here for more info.
Sat 27
DYNO DAY AT NEXT LEVEL PERFORMANCE. Next Level Performance at 1010 Bunnell Road, Suite 1107, Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 (one of our sponsors) has offered us a special deal with two (2) back to back dyno runs on each vehicle, provide us with a print out of our horsepower & torque as well as the fuel/air mixture. Our cost will be $50 per car and they would expect at least 10 cars for that price. The normal price is $75.00. Please try to arrive around 10:15 - 10:30 am. Next Level has a new state of the art Dynojet model 224XLC chassis dynamometer. Very impressive piece of equipment and easy on the tires unlike many machines. Please email Ned Chatelain at if you want to attend.
Sun 28
ROGER'S CRUZ'IN PLANNING MEETING #3. Beginning at 1 p.m. at Hutch & Patti's house, 13644 Crystal River Dr, Orlando 32828 (Waterford Lakes area), ph 407-281-3874. We'll go to Hooters afterwards for lunch. All CFCA Members wanting to help are encouraged to attend. We need EVERYONE's help in CFCA to help plan, organize, and hold this big event. If you cannot attend the meeting but still want to volunteer to help, let us know! Email if you need directions.
Thu 2
CFCA MEETING. At Classic Chevrolet - 7:30 p.m. Visitors and Guests are ALWAYS welcome!
Sat 4
VETTE FEST, Old Town, Kissimmee. No registration fee. Registration opens at 10:00 a.m., Valve Cover Racing at 1:00 p.m., special Vette-only Cruise at 4:00 p.m. Raffles & 50/50! For more information call Tracy at (407) 396-4888.
Sat 4
STEAK 'N SHAKE 10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION, at Seminole Town Center in Sanford, FL. 4pm - 9pm (rain date Nov 1st). Drawings, Doorprizes, goodie bags to first 100 cruisers who eat at Steak 'n Shake. Grand prize drawing is a 27" TV. For more info call 407-328-8300.
Sat 11
7TH ANNUAL CORVETTES 'N CLASSICS. At Flagler Palm Coast High School, Rt 100, Bunnell, FL. Sponsored by Flagler County Corvette Club. Corvettes, Vintage, Muscle, Rods, Imports, Cycles. All years, stock and modified. Separate judging for Corvettes and Classics. Awards for 1st, 2nd, 3rd. For more info visit
Sat 11
AVALON PARK ROTARY CLUB FALL FESTIVAL SHOW & SHINE. The Rotary Club of Avalon Park is hosting a Show and Shine on October 11 in conjunction with Avalon Park’s Fall Festival. There will be door prizes, a 50/50 drawing and lots of entertainment. Registration fee $15 in advance or $20 day of event. Click Here for a flyer.
Thu 16
SPECIAL CFCA MEETING AT ROGER'S CORVETTE CENTER. At Roger's Corvette Center, 8675 N. Orlando Blvd (17-92), Maitland - 7:00 p.m. Come help us prepare for the Roger's Cruz'In Corvette Show. Goody bag stuffing, judges training, and more. You must attend to get your free Event Staff t-shirt for those who work the show. This will replace our usual meeting at Classic Chevy.
Sat 18
ECKLER'S 5TH ANNUAL CAMAROFEST/CHEVY SHOW. 9:00 am – 4:00 pm at Eckler's Corvette Parts and Accessories, 5200 S Washington Ave, Titusville, FL. Open to all F-Bodies, 1955-1972 Chevy Cars and Trucks
and 1953-2009 Corvettes. FREE T-SHIRT FOR PRE-REGISTERED ONLY. All Camaros will be judged. Awards given for Best Chevy and Best Corvette. Click Here for more info or to register.
Sat 18
BALDWIN PARK FALL AUTO SHOW. 9:00 am – 4:00 pm in Baldwin Park, 4751 New Broad Street, Orlando, FL 32814. For all Classics, Antiques, Hot Rods, Concept, and Muscle Cars. $25 pre-registration, $30 day of show. Registration includes event t-shirt & goody bag. Click Here for a flyer.
Sat 25 - Sun 26
NCCC FLORIDA REGION LOW SPEED AUTOCROSS, closed exhaust, 14 sanctions, Brooksville, FL. Click here for more info.
Sat 25

ROGER'S CRUZ'IN CHARITY CORVETTE SHOW FOR THE RUSSELL HOME, at Roger's Corvette Center, 8675 N Orlando Ave (17-92), Maitland, FL. A fun charity benefit for the Russell Home for Atypical Children. Sponsored by Roger's and CFCA. A low-pressure judged Corvette Show with hoods down to keep it fun. Separate People's Choice show for CFCA Members (sponsoring club may not compete in the judged show). Music, door prizes, 50-50, BBQ lunch, super live and silent auction items, lots of great awards, return of the "Most Awesome Corvette on the Planet" trophy, and all for a wonderful charity. Over $12,000 in live auction items this year! Free event t-shirt for the 1st 100 registrations. Gates open at 7:30 AM. Live auction around 2 pm, awards around 3 PM. Register Now! CFCA Chairperson: John Hutchinson.
CLICK HERE for JUDGED SHOW registration form (open to all Corvette owners except CFCA Members).
CLICK HERE for NCCC Peoples' Choice registration form (open to all NCCC Members including CFCA Members.
Sun 2
DAYLIGHT SAVINGS ENDS. Move clocks back one hour at 2 AM.
Sat 1
SILVER SPRINGS CORVETTE SHOW. Hosted by the Corvette Club of Marion County. Corvettes will gather at Silver Springs for this one day "show and shine" event presented on the concert field of the World Famous Silver Springs Attraction at the corner of State Road 40 and County Road 35 in Silver Springs, Florida. For more info, visit
Sun 2
7TH ANNUAL WINTER PARK CONCOURS D'ELEGANCE. An extraordinary event showcasing the world’s most exotic automobiles & motorcycles, The Winter Park Concours d’Elegance features Ferrari, Maserati, Alfa Romeo, Rolls-Royce, Aston Martin, Jaguar, Morgan, Austin-Healey, Triumph, Porsche, Lamborghini, Lotus and many others. Over 185 Exotic and Rare Automobiles will be invited for display and judging on the streets of downtown Winter Park. For more info, visit
Thu 6
CFCA MEETING. At Classic Chevrolet - 7:30 p.m. Visitors and Guests are ALWAYS welcome!
Fri-Sat 7-8
15th ANNUAL CORVETTES IN PARADISE, Islamorada, Florida Keys. Sponsored by the Florida Keys Corvette Club. To be held at the Holiday Isle Beach Resort, U.S. 1, Mile Marker #84, in Islamorada. Only the first 100 cars registered will be judged. 20 classes, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. Special Guest, Dave McClellan, will again be on hand for this last show at the Isle. 50-50 Drawing, Raffles, and LOTS of fun! Pre-Registration prior to Oct 22nd, $35. After Oct 22nd, $35. $20 Display only. For those that wish to caravan down as a group, CFCA will be departing from the Cracker Barrel Restaurant on 417 & OBT at 8:00 am on Friday. Arrive earlier if you want to eat breakfast. Click here for driving directions and info. Click here for a show flyer and registration form. If you have any questions about the event itself, call MARIE from the Florida Keys Corvette Club at 305-872-9641. If you want to stay at the event hotel at Holiday Isle, get your reservations in NOW as it fills up quickly! This is guaranteed to be one of the most FUN events of the year. Some members extend the good times be spending a few extra days in Key West or Naples following the show. We hope to see you there! CFCA Members planning to attend please email Hutch at CFCA Chairpersons: Hutch & Patti Hutchinson.
Thu-Sat 6-8
Due to the extensive fuel shortage in Georgia, economics and low participation, the National Corvette Museum has cancelled the Georgia Crossroads Event that was scheduled for November 6-8. They hope to offer this event at another time.
Sat-Sun 15-16
CORVETTE GARDEN PARTY. Cypress Gardens Doo Wop Weekend featuring The Drifters & The Coasters Concert, Parade, Welcome Party, Corvette Show. Goodie Bags & Polo Shirts for first 100 entries. $45 entry fee. Parade and Welcome Party on Saturday, Corvette Show is on Sunday, 8am - 4 pm (must be parked before 9:30 am). Visit for more information or to register.
Sun 16
WHITE WOLF CAFE BREAKFAST DRIVEOUT. One of our new sponsors, White Wolf Cafe, would make a great drive-out for a Sunday morning casual Breakfast. If you have not been to White Wolf, it is a real treat, with good food and nice atmosphere! Their web site is at: Their address is: 1829 North Orange Ave, Orlando, FL 32804 (Antique Row area of Orange Avenue). Telephone is: 407-895-9911. Several members have talked about going to White Wolf and we would like other members to join us... Please let me know by email or phone if you would like to go to breakfast on November 16th at around 9:30am, to beat the crowd. RSVP to Ned or Judy Chatelain at: or call 407-671-9599.
Thu 20
CFCA DINNER MEETING, 7:00 p.m., at Tolla’s Italian Bistro Restaurant located at 240 North Pennsylvania Ave in Winter Park. Great food and a great time, guaranteed!Visitors and Guests are ALWAYS welcome!
Sat 22
THE ULTIMATE CORVETTE PARTY, Ferman Chevrolet, 9751 Adamo Drive (Hwy. 60 in Brandon) Tampa, Fl 33619. Presented By Tampa Bay Vettes. This has become a huge local show (over 400 Corvettes registered in 2007). For cars entered in the show, there will be People's Choice, first, second, and third place trophies in five judged classes plus Best in Show and Club Participation Trophy. The event will feature food, lots of door prizes, vendors, and entertainment. Corvette race car driver Andy Pilgrim will be on hand. Big Friday night pre-show buffet at host hotel. Pre-Register by Nov 10th for $30.00 and get a free gift ($40.00 after Nov 10th and no gift). Visit for more information or click here for a registration form. CFCA Members planning to attend please email Hutch at CFCA Chairperson: John Hutchinson.
Sat 22
RUSSELL HOME BENEFIT CUSTOM CAR SHOW. A non-judged fun event to benefit the Russell Home for Atypical Children. Event location is Calvary Assembly of Orlando, 1199 Clay St, Winter Park, FL (corner of Formosa & Minnesota). $20 donation to Russell Home as entry fee. Customs, pro street, classics, bikes, trucks, imports. Registration 8am to 11am. Visit to pre-register.
Sat 22
CRUSIN' BACK TO HIGH SCHOOL SHOW. Open car, truck, and motorcycle show at Lake Howell High School, 4200 Dike Rd, Winter Park, FL 32792. $20 registration fee. Proceeds benefit Lake Howell Silver Regiment. No coolers allowed. Gates open at 9am. Show from 10am-2 pm. Awards at 1:30pm. Email Todd Morris at for more info.
Sat 22 - Sun 23
NCCC FLORIDA REGION LOW SPEED AUTOCROSS, closed exhaust, 14 sanctions, St Augustine. Click here for more info.
Thu 4
CFCA MEETING. At Classic Chevrolet - 7:30 p.m. Visitors and Guests are ALWAYS welcome!
Sat, 6
CFCA HOLIDAY EXTRAVAGANZA! CFCA'S Christmas Party is our big formal event of the year with fine dining, music, member recognition, awards, door prizes, cash bar, and loads of FUN! The event will be held at the Radisson University Hotel, 1724 Alafaya Trail (located just north of Colonial Hwy 50) in east Orlando, beginning at 7 p.m. And even better, the turkey and prime rib dinner for CFCA Members will be FREE! Non-Member Guests will cost $30 each (you must RSVP first). A special room rate of $69 has been arranged for CFCA Members, too. Call 407-658-9008 to book a room and mention the CFCA Room Block. Click Here for a flyer. Space will be limited so RSVP by Nov 25, 2008 by emailing Ned & Judy at or call 407-671-9599. But remember, since CFCA is paying for the entire headcount, if you RSVP that you are coming, please DO attend. We don't want to pay for an empty chair! This is our biggest social event of the year so you will NOT want to miss this one! CFCA Chairpersons: Ned & Judy Chatelain.
Sun 14
CFCA HOLIDAY VISIT TO THE RUSSELL HOME. The Russell Home Christmas visit is one of the big CFCA events of the year. This is a chance to see the reason we raise funds during the year, and the kids always enjoy our visit (and seeing our Corvettes). Please join us on Sunday, December 14. We will meet at Courtesy Chevrolet on SR 436 near the airport at 11:30am. We will depart at 12:00pm and caravan to the Russell Home. A suggested gift list for boys and girls is on the Russell Home web site. Gifts should be wrapped and a small tag included with the gift identified on the tag. The family can select an appropriate gift for each of the kids. In addition it is our tradition to bring household products that the Russell Home needs. These may include household cleaners, laundry detergent, paper products, dry or canned food products, etc. After the visit we will go to lunch (TBD).
Sat 13 - Sun 14
Thu 18
CFCA DINNER MEETING. Liam Fitzpatrick’s Irish Restaurant and Pub, 951 Market Promenade Ave, Lake Mary, FL 32746 - 7:00 p.m. Click here for a map and directions. Visitors and Guests are ALWAYS welcome!
Sun 21
NCCC REGIONAL MEETING. The location is 12 noon, at the Orlando Sun Resort (the old Hyatt). It is located on 192 next to I-4. All NCCC members are welcome. Visit NCCC South for more info.
Thu 25
Wed 31
CFCA NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY!. Help celebrate 2008 and ring in 2009 with your fellow CFCA members at Patti and Hutch's place, 13644 Crystal River Dr, Orlando (east side, Waterford Lakes area). Beer, wine, soda, chips, and lots of other goodies provided. Please bring a pot-luck dish to share. Arrive by 7:30 pm so we can eat at 8:00. Just look for the \\ Hashmarks on the door! Click here for a map. CFCA chairpersons - Patti & John Hutchinson.
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