The Central Florida Corvette Association's Calendar of Events for 2010
Thu 1
Thu 7
CFCA MEETING. At Classic Chevrolet - 7:00 p.m. Visitors and Guests are ALWAYS welcome!
Sun 10

ANNUAL CHARITY MOTORCYCLE/CORVETTE POKER RUN for the Russell Home for Atypical Children. Co-sponsored by the Orlando Harley Owners Group, CFCA will first meet at Courtesy Chevrolet (S. 436 by the airport) at 9:00 am and carvan over to Cypress Grove Park as a group at 9:15. The event begins at Cypress Grove Park at 290 W. Holden Ave, Orlando (next to the Russell Home) and concludes at Cowboys with live music and reserved parking for Corvettes. Registration from 8:30 - 11 am. $15 donation for a poker hand and a free t-shirt. $5 for each additional hand. Last car/bike in at 1:30 pm. Free t-shirt to 1st 500 registrants. Prizes for the best poker hands, 50-50 raffle, door prizes, live music, and more. Click HERE for a flyer. CFCA Chairperson: Don Ashe.
Thu 21
CFCA MEETING. At Classic Chevrolet - 7:00 p.m. Visitors and Guests are ALWAYS welcome!
Sat 23
NCRS 31ST ANNUAL WINTER REGIONAL MEET, Old Towne Kissimmee. Click here for NCRS event info. On Sat, Jan 12th, CFCA will meet at the Cracker Barrel at 13300 South Orange Blossom Trail, off 417, (407-857-6124). Arrive around 8:00 a.m. if you want breakfast. We will depart from The Cracker Barrel at 9:00 a.m. sharp and caravan to Old Town, in Kissimmee (5770 W Bronson Memorial Hwy). It should take less 10 minutes to get there. Hundreds of Corvettes will be on display (usually 1954-current), "For Sale" Corral, and Top Corvette Vendors. See you there! Event Chairperson: Wiley Boland.
Sun 24

14TH ANNUAL WONDERFUL WORLD OF CORVETTES. Corvette show at Old Town, Kissimmee, sponsored by Classic Corvettes of Orlando. Portion of proceeds to benefit The Russell Home for Atypical Children. Best of Show, First in Class (C1-C6), Sponsor Trophies, Top 25. $100 Club Participation (min 10 cars). Door prizes, 50-50, music. All years and types invitied. $25 pre-registration, $30 day of show. Free event t-shirt & dash plaque. Visit or call 321-454-4674 or email for more info.
Sun 31
CFCA ANNUAL BOARD MEETING - Work planning session for 2010 activities, ByLaws review, Annual Budget, Advertising, etc. Beginning at Hutch & Patti's home at 1:00 pm. Open to the general membership. Lunch provided but please RSVP to if you plan to attend.
Thu 4
CFCA MEETING. At Classic Chevrolet - 7:00 p.m. Visitors and Guests are ALWAYS welcome!
Sat 6
CARS FOR THE CURE. A benefit for the American Lung Association. At Colonial Town Park in Heathrow/Lake Mary Florida. Free admission. This all-day show is the auto enthusiasts dream! Some of the most powerful and highly-tuned cars from around the world will be on display: International and American Customs, European Exotics, High Power Racers, custom bikes and more. The streets are lined with great shops, restaurants and attractions as well as a variety of sponsor and vendor booths. Click here for more info. CFCA will meet at the Eastbound I4/Lake Mary rest stop at 10:00 am for a 10:15 departure to go visit the show. CFCA Chairperson: John Hutchinson.
Sat 6
NCCC LOW SPEED AUTOCROSS. 5 Sanctions. St Augustine, FL. Visit NCCC South web site for details.
Sun 14
HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! Go hug your Corvette!
Thu 18
CFCA MEETING. At Classic Chevrolet - 7:00 p.m. Visitors and Guests are ALWAYS welcome!
Sun 28
CFCA PANCAKE BREAKFAST AT DELEON SPRINGS. ADVANCE SIGNUP REQUIRED! LIMITED TO ONLY 30 PARTICIPANTS! CFCA MEMBERS ONLY, PLEASE. Join us for a driveout and meal at the Old Spanish Sugar Mill Grill & Griddle House inside DeLeon Springs State Park. In this unique restaurant, you cook your own eggs and pancakes on a griddle right at your table. After our meal, we will regroup for a scenic driveout through Tamoka Springs State Park and finish at the Racing's North Turn Beach Bar & Grille near Ponce Inlet for refreshments. CFCA will meet at the eastbound I-4 Longwood/Lake Mary Rest Area at 9:45 am, departing at 10:00 am for our 11:00 am reservation. There is a nominal fee of $5.00 per car to enter the park plus the cost of breakfast. Members that cannot come to a meeting to signup but want to attend should phone Patti Hutchinson at 407-256-1335 to have their name added to the list. If we reach our maximum number of 30 participants we will create a waiting list. If anyone that is signed up finds that they cannot go at the last minute, please be kind and call Patti by noon on Saturday, Feb 27th so we can notify the next person on the waiting list. CFCA Chairperson: Patti Hutchinson.
MARCH 2010
Thu 4
CFCA ANNUAL MEETING. At Classic Chevrolet - 7:00 p.m. The membership will vote on Vote on ByLaws/SOP changes, annual events, etc. Visitors and Guests are ALWAYS welcome!
Sat 6

FIFTH ANNUAL TEXAS HOLD'EM POKER TOURNAMENT FOR THE RUSSELL HOME. Texas Hold'Em ($25 entry fee) and Blackjack ($10 entry fee) tournament Sponsored by Parrot Heads of Central Florida. All proceeds benefit the Russell Home for Atypical Children. Click here for a flyer.
Sat 6
NCCC CONCOURS. 7 Sanctions. Corvettes on the Gulf, Estero Bay Chevrolet, 10640 Chevrolet Way, Estero, FL. Visit NCCC South web site for details.
Sat 13
TOM GIBBS 3RD ANNUAL CORVETTE DISPLAY. Sat, March 13th, 10:00 am - 3 pm, Tom Gibbs Chevrolet, 5850 East Highway 100, Palm Coast, FL 32164. View the flyer - 7:00 p.m. Free registration. Please RSVP to Wiley Boland if you are planning on attending so we can reserve enough space for all CFCA cars. More info TBA. CFCA Chairperson: Wiley Boland.
Sat 13
ALL CHEVY CAR AND TRUCK SHOW. The Tampa Bay Classic Chevy Club is holding an All Chevy Car and Truck Show on Saturday, March 13th at University Chevrolet, 11300 N. Florida Ave, Tampa. Registration is FREE and begins at 8am, judging 10a-2pm, trophy presentation at 2:30pm. Free dash plaques to the first 100 cars, DJ with oldies music, 50/50 drawing. Visit for info.
Thu 18
CFCA QUARTERLY DINNER MEETING. At Logan's Bistro 802 Virginia Dr, Orlando, FL 32803-2530, at 7:00 p.m. Take Mills Avenue (17-92) South to Virginia Drive, Turn right(West) two blocks on Left. In small strip shopping center, next door to Flag World (another one of our Sponsors). Visitors and Guests are welcome. All are asked to please RSVP to Ned Chatelain at or telephone 407-671-9599.
Sat 20
SWING INTO SPRING CAR SHOW. Open to all makes and models. 1st-3rd trophies in multiple classes. 12 - 4pm. Winter Haven Moose Lodge, 2305 Havendale Blvd, Winter Haven, FL 33880. $15 advance registration $20 day of show. Click here for an event flyer.
Sun 21
NCCC FLORIDA REGION MEETING. Open to all NCCC Members. 10 AM, Ramada Celebration Resort (old Hyatt Motel), Orlando. 2009 Region awards will be presented at this meeting. Visit NCCC South web site for details.
Sat 27
CORVETTES IN THE SUNSHINE VII at Crystal Chevrolet, 1035 S. Suncoast Blvd, Homosassa, FL. Sponsored by Citrus County Corvette Club. Corvette show, valve cover races, free t-shirt & dash plaque to first 110 pre-registered ($30) entries. Day of show entry $35. Click here to register. CFCA Chairperson needed... please contact to volunteer.
Sun 28
CFCA MONTHLY MEET-TO-EAT DRIVEOUT, join us for lunch at 11:00 am the White Wolf Cafe, 1829 N Orange Ave (antique district), Orlando 32804. Attendance limited to about 20-25 CFCA Members and Guests so please RSVP to Ned at or call 407-671-9599. CFCA Chairperson: Ned Chatelain.
APRIL 2010
Thu 1
CFCA MEETING. At Classic Chevrolet - 7:00 p.m. Visitors and Guests are ALWAYS welcome!
Sun 4
Thu 15
CFCA MEETING. At Classic Chevrolet - 7:00 p.m. Visitors and Guests are ALWAYS welcome!
Fri-Sun 16-18
VETTES & JETS. At the Museum of Naval Aviation, Pensacola, FL. Corvette show, valve cover races, museum tours, IMAX show, etc. Dash plques to first 100. Trophies to the top 30 Corvettes. $20 donation at registration benefits the National Museum of Naval Aviation. Click here for registration form. Click here for info on the Museum. Very cool. This will be an overnight trip for CFCA. Click here for info from Wiley on CFCA departure date, time, hotel, etc. Please RSVP to Wiley if you plan on coming. Call 407-568-1565 or email CFCA Chairperson: Wiley Boland.
Sat 17

VETTES AT THE PORT. NCCC Peoples Choice Corvette Show, 1 Sanction. Cape Kennedy Corvette Club, Port Canaveral, FL. Click Here for info and an entry form. CFCA Chairperson: TBA. If you plan to attend, please volunteer as the CFCA Chairperson.
Sat 24
CFCA 37TH ANNIVERSARY PARTY & MEET 'N GREET. At Bad Acres, Don & Betty Ashe's home in Seminole Woods, Geneva, FL. Click Here for the Invite. Come celebrate 37 years of CFCA Corvette Fun and meet members of the new Volusia County Corvette Club (VCCA), several of which are dual members of CFCA, as well. Don & Betty always throw a GREAT party and this should be NO exception. We'll have prizes, great food and drink, and loads of fun, fer sure. Don & Betty will provide most of the grub, including some great BBQ, but if you have a special dish you'd like to share, please bring it. So we can get a better head count, please let Hutch ( or Don ( know if you plan to attend. It's gonna be a hoot so don't miss it!
Sat 24
CITY OF CASSELBERRY CLASSIC CAR SHOW. Classic car show and oldies concert. 3-9 pm, Lake Concord Park, Casselberry, FL. Car show entry of $5 to Casselberry Seniors for a Better Community. Visit for more info.
Thu-Sat 29-01
NCM C5/C6 BIRTHDAY BASH. At the National Corvette Museum, Bowling Green, KY. Racing, seminars, road tours, and lots of activities for the C5 or C6 Corvette enthusiast. Click Here for details. *** Is anyone from CFCA planning to attend? Let us know! ***
MAY 2010
Sun 2
CFCA MEET & EAT. Join us for lunch at 12:30 pm at Tolla’s Italian Bistro, 240 North Pennsylvania Ave, Winter Park. If you wish to attend, please RSVP to Ned Chatelain or call 407-671-9599.
Thu 6
CFCA MEETING. At Classic Chevrolet - 7:00 p.m. Visitors and Guests are ALWAYS welcome!
Thu-Sat 13-15
NCM GATHERING. At the National Corvette Museum, Bowling Green, KY. Racing, seminars, road tours, special ZR-1, Grand Sport, and Callaway displays and activities. A *great* time to visit the NCM and the Corvette Assembly Plant. Click Here for details. CFCA Chairperson: John Hutchinson.
Thu 20
CFCA MEETING. At Classic Chevrolet - 7:00 p.m. Visitors and Guests are ALWAYS welcome!
Fri-Sun 21-23
CFCA COAST TO COAST CORVETTE CRUISE. Breakfast on the beach on one coast, dinner that night on the beach on the other coast, plus lots of other fun stops inbetween. You won't want to miss this CFCA event. SIGN UP NOW! Click HERE for the Itinerary and more info. If you have any questions or comments please contact Dean Mester at or cell #407 963-3450. CFCA Chairpersons: Dean & Lisa Mester.
Thu-Sat 27-29
NCM CORVETTE FORUM CRUISE-IN. At the National Corvette Museum, Bowling Green, KY. Racing, seminars, road tours, special displays and activities. Click Here for details.
Mon 31
JUNE 2010
Thu 3
CFCA MEETING. At Classic Chevrolet - 7:00 p.m. Visitors and Guests are ALWAYS welcome!
Sat 12
CLASSIC CORVETTES & COLLECTABLES DRIVEOUT. Join us for a driveout to Tarpon Springs for a visit to Al Wiseman's Classic Corvettes & Collectables (304 S Pinellas Ave, Tarpon Springs). View an amazing collection of classic Corvettes, vintage muscle cars, antique rides, and much more. Just as an example... The serial number 1 Corvette collection, a 1955, 1956, and 1957 all serial number 1 each with their own distinct firsts. Very cool. We have arranged a discounted entry fee of $4.00 per person. Visit for more info. Afterwards, we'll cruise down to the nearby Sponge Docks for some great Greek food! CFCA will depart from the Cracker Barrel off Kirkman Road (take I-4 Exit 75B to 5859 Caravan Court, Orlando, FL 32819) at 8:30 am. Arrive earlier if you want to have breakfast first. CFCA Chairperson: Patti Hutchinson.
Sat 12
NCCC LOW SPEED AUTOCROSS. 5 Sanctions. St Augustine, FL. Visit NCCC South web site for details.
Thu 17
QUARTERLY CFCA DINNER MEETING. Palma Maria Italian Restaurant, 7 pm, 1015 Semoran Blvd, Casselberry, FL 32707 (across from the Winn-Dixie Plaza). Visitors and Guests are welcome. All are asked to please RSVP to Ned Chatelain at or telephone 407-671-9599.
Sun 27
MEET 'N EAT. Join us for a great lunch at one of our sponsors, the Smokehouse at the Route 46 Entertainment District in Sanford (4316 W State Road 46, Sanford, FL 32771-9005). Arrive by 12:30 pm. Click Here for directions. CFCA Chairperson: Patti Hutchinson. Please RSVP to Patti at or call 407-281-3874.
JULY 2010
Thu 1
CFCA MEETING. At Classic Chevrolet - 7:00 p.m. Visitors and Guests are ALWAYS welcome!
Sun 4
Sat 10
BROTHERS PERFORMANCE DYNO DAY! Visit Brother’s Performance in Deland with CFCA and get your Corvette dynoed for FREE, a $70.00 value. CFCA will meet at the eastbound I-4 Longwood/Lake Mary Rest Area at 8:45 am, departing at 9:00 am. Their address is 3060 Performance Circle, Deland, FL 32724 (right across from the Volusia County Fairgrounds). Cars from the Volusia County Corvette Club (VCCA) will join us to ensure a good turnout. Each club will have equal opportunity to get their cars dynoed for free! Please RSVP to Ned Chatelain at: or call 407-671-9599. CFCA Chairperson: Ned Chatelain.
Thu 15
Sat 17

HORIZON BAY CORVETTE SHOW! Join us for a CFCA Corvette Show at the Horizon Bay Retirement Community, 360 Montgomery Rd, Altamonte Springs, FL 32714, 10am - 3pm (arrive around 9:30 am). Click here for Directions. No fee to enter. This will be a nice, laid back show in support of the Horizon Bay residents and staff who will select their favorite Corvette (ala a people's choice vote) and award trophies to the winners (they are providing). A DJ, face painting, and food vendors will be on site, plus we'll have a 50-50 with 1/2 proceeds to the Russell Home for Atypical Children. We have room for more Corvettes so please come on out, even if you have not pre-registered. For info, contact Hutch at or call 407-281-3874. Come on out for a fun, leisurely day showing off your Corvette to others in our community that will really appreciate the effort.
Sun 18

MEET 'N EAT DRIVEOUT! Join us for a great breakfast with our new sponsor, KeKe’s Breakfast Café, 345 West Fairbanks Ave, Winter Park, FL - 9:00 am. After breakfast, we will cruise over to the Russell Home for Atypical Children. Please bring art and craft supplies to donate. Please RSVP to Ned Chatelain at or telephone 407-671-9599.
Sat-Fri 24-30
51st NCCC CONVENTION at Palm Beach, Florida. Host hotel: Palm Beach Gardens Marriott. Corvette shows, autocross, drag racing, banquets, tours, and more. An entire WEEK of Corvette activities, right here in your own backyard! See the NCCC South and NCCC websites for NCCC convention info.
Thu 5
CFCA MEETING. At Classic Chevrolet - 7:00 p.m. Visitors and Guests are ALWAYS welcome!
Sun 8
CFCA DRIVEOUT TO DIXIE CROSSROADS, 1475 Garden St, Titusville. Join us for an afternoon visit to one of our favorite seafood restaurants. Rock Shrimp anyone? We plan to meet in the Amazon Village Parking Lot (old Builder's Square) located on the Southeast corner of East Highway 50 (Colonial Drive) and Rouse Road at 1:45 pm. We will depart for the restaurant at 2:00 pm. If you have not had an opportunity to eat at Dixie Crossroads in the past, you won't want to miss this event. If you are planning to go, please send a message to Sandy Moore at or call (407) 654-4019 or (407) 252-8611 (cell). We need to notify the restaurant of how many Corvette lovers they should expect. CFCA Chairperson: Sandy Moore.
Sat 14
TAMPA POLICE OFFICERS CHARITY CAR SHOW benefits the families of the two fallen Tampa Police Officers that were recently killed in the line of duty. The show is August 14th, 2010, at Gator Ford in Tampa (I-4, exit 10) and is open to all DOMESTIC vehicles. Entrance fee is a $20 minimum donation. 100% of the money raised goes directly to the families. There will be a DJ playing oldies music, a silent auction to raise additional donations, and a local Chik Fil-A selling food and donating 100% of their proceeds to the charity as well. Click Here for details.
Thu 19
Thu-Sun 27-29
CORVETTES AT CARLISLE, Carlisle, PA. One of the nation's largest Corvette shows featuring the largest collection of Corvette parts and accessories vendors! Make your reservations early as hotels book up fast. Huge swap meet, vendor displays, Corvette give-away, and much more. Visit for more info.
Thu-Sat 2-4
NCM 16TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION. At the National Corvette Museum, Bowling Green, KY. Racing, seminars, road tours, special displays and activities, Corvette Hall of Fame induction, and much more. Click Here for details. CFCA Chairperson: John Hutchinson.
Mon 6
Thu 2
CFCA MEETING. At Classic Chevrolet - 7:00 p.m. Visitors and Guests are ALWAYS welcome!
Thu 16
QUARTERLY CFCA DINNER MEETING - TAP ROOM AT DUBS DREAD. Thursday, September 16th, 7pm at The Tap Room Restaurant at Dubsdread Country Club in Orlando (also the location for the CFCA Christmas Party), located 1 block off of Edgewater Drive on Par Street at 549 West Par Street, Orlando, FL 32804 (College Park) 407-650-0100. Good food and nice variety, full bar. Please RSVP ASAP – email Ned at: or call 407-671-9599. See you there!
Sat 18
NCCC LOW SPEED AUTOCROSS. 5 Sanctions. St Augustine, FL. Visit NCCC South web site for details.
Sun 19
NCCC FLORIDA REGION MEETING. Open to all NCCC Members. 10 AM, Ramada Celebration Resort (old Hyatt Motel), Orlando. Visit NCCC South web site for details.
Sat 25
FLORIDA FALL CORVETTE CLASSIC at the Bahama Bay Resort & Spa, 400 Gran Bahama Blvd., Davenport, FL 33897. Registration 9:00am to 11:00am. Judging Begins 11:00am, Awards Presentation 2:00pm. $20.00 Advance Registration, $25.00 Registration Day of the Show. SPECIAL ROOM RATES FOR SHOW ATTENDEES. For resort information, contact Sheryl Moore, Group Sales/Events, at (863) 547-167. For show information, contact Robert J. Helmick at (321) 948-7553, email, or click here for show info. Click Here for the show registration form or visit the resort website at ........ CFCA will meet at Courtesy Chevy by the airport (5600 Lee Vista Boulevard) at 8:45am. Cars pull out at 9:00am. It's a 30 min drive to the show from there. The show coordinator says if we give him a car count the day before, he will rope off spots for our club cars to be together. This should be a FUN show with classes C1 thru C6 and "show and shine" kind of judging... paint and interior, no hardcore judging. Let's get a LOT of CFCA Corvettes there! So please RSVP to Mark Adams if you can attend so they can set up a CFCA-only area for us at the show.. But even if you can't RSVP before the event, please still come meet and go with us anyway. CFCA Chairperson Mark Adams.
Sat 25
NCCC CONCOURS. 1 Sanction. Mid Florida Corvette Club, St Cloud, FL. Visit NCCC South web site for details.
Fri-Sun 1-3
5TH ANNUAL OLD TOWN VETTE FEST. 50’s Bash Kick Off Party poolside at the Seralago Hotel & Suites on Fri, Oct 1st, 6:00 pm. Special room rates at Seralago Hotel. Corvette show on Saturday, Oct 2nd in Old Town Kissimmee.
Fri 1
LYMAN HS HOMECOMING. 8 cars. 7:30 pm. CFCA Chairperson: Wiley Boland.
Sat 2
CHRIS CRUZ ARTISTRY DRIVEOUT. CANCELLED! We will try to reschedule at a later date when there is more interest.
Thu 7
CFCA MEETING. At Classic Chevrolet - 7:00 p.m. Visitors and Guests are ALWAYS welcome!
Sun 10
9TH ANNUAL CORVETTES AT THE BEACH at Flagler Beach, sponsored by Tom Gibbs Chevrolet & Flagler County Corvette Club. $25 pre-registration. $30 day of show, 8:00 am to 3:00 pm. T-shirts, dash plaques, door prizes, 50-50, music, dining, shopping. For more info visit
Sat 16
8TH ANNUAL VETTES ON THE AVENUE in historic downtown Melbourne, sponsored by Space Coast Corvette Club. $25 pre-registration (before Oct 1st). $35 day of show, 8:00 am to 3:00 pm. T-shirts, dash plaques, door prizes, 50-50, music, old time quaint shops and dining along tree lined streets. Participant judging of cars. For more info visit CFCA Chairperson: Wiley Boland.
Thu 21
NO CFCA MEETING TONIGHT! Due to a conflict with the University High School Homecoming event, we will have no business meeting tonight. Instead, join us at UHS for the homecoming and we will go grab a bite to eat afterwards at Bubbalous BBQ on Alafaya Trail (12100 Challenger Parkway, Orlando, FL 32826) around 6:30 pm. The school address is 11501 Eastwood Drive, Orlando, 32817. (click here for Google Maps link). Enter the school grounds thru the MAIN GATE off Lokanatosa Trail which is off Alafaya Trail and follow the road to staging area in the bus loop in front of the school. We will be meeting around 5:30 pm. Come on out and join us for a good time!
Thu 21
UNIVERSITY HS HOMECOMING. 8-10 cars. 5:30 pm. CFCA Chairperson: Arlene Pavlic.
Sat 23
UCF HOMECOMING. 9 cars + 1 alternate. Meet at 10:00 am at BP station at University Commons stip mall on 434. CFCA Chairperson: Arlene Pavlic.
Sat-Sun 30-31
NCCC LOW SPEED AUTOCROSS. 14 Sanctions. Brooksville, FL. Visit NCCC South web site for details.
Sun 31
Wed 3
WINTER PARK HS HOMECOMING. 10 cars. 5:00 pm. CFCA Chairperson: Ned Chatelain.
Thu 4
CFCA MEETING. At Classic Chevrolet - 7:00 p.m. Visitors and Guests are ALWAYS welcome! 2011 BOARD MEMBER & MEMBER OF THE YEAR NOMINATIONS ARE DUE TONIGHT! Absentee ballots will be emailed to CFCA Members following the close of nominations.
Thu-Sat 4-6
NCM VETS 'N VETTES. At the National Corvette Museum, Bowling Green, KY. Honoring Those Who Fought For Our Freedom. Racing, seminars, road tours, special displays and activities. Click Here for details.
Fri 5
Sorry, but this HS Homecoming Parade event has been cancelled! CFCA will not participate. Thanks to those who volunteered to support it. CFCA Chairperson: Arlene Pavlic.
Sun 7
DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME! Move clocks back 1 hour.
Mon 11
Sun 14
CHALLENGE RALLY 2010. A fun-run type rally event sponsored by Porsche of Orlando to benefit the Russell Home for Atypical Children. You will be given the chance to drive your car through some of the best roads and unspoiled areas in N. Central Florida. Come join your fellow car enthusiasts while raising money for Charity.
There will be door prizes and awards for a variety of categories. Despite what the entry form says, ALL makes and models are welcome, including CORVETTES! All for a good cause, too. $40 registration before 11/10/10, $45 day of rally.
Fellow CFCA members,
The Porsche club is sponsoring the annual challenge rally on Sunday 11/14/10 to benefit the Russell Home for Children. There will be an award to the club with the most cars registered. Even though the entry form does not state non-european cars or specify American cars as one of our members so "diplomatically" pointed out (i.e., HUTCH) -- all makes and model cars are welcomed because, as the rally master states, it is for the children and the charity. We can make a definite statement to the other central Florida car clubs if we show up in numbers. Stef and I have been in the last 3 rallies both in our Corvette and in the Porsche. Last year there was a van and several Asian vehicles as well as a few Mustangs. It is a fun event while helping OUR charity.
- CFCA Chairperson: Claude Laborde
Thu 18
CFCA MEETING. At Classic Chevrolet - 7:00 p.m. Visitors and Guests are ALWAYS welcome! 2011 BOARD MEMBER & MEMBER OF THE YEAR ELECTIONS ARE TONIGHT! Return absentee ballot by tonight if you can't make the meeting!
Thu 25
Thu 2
CFCA MEETING. At Classic Chevrolet - 7:00 p.m. Visitors and Guests are ALWAYS welcome!
Sat 4
SANFORD CHRISTMAS PARADE, 6 pm, Sanford, FL. Thanks to those who have volunteered! Proceeds to benefit the Russell Home for Atypical Children. Contact Hutch at for more details. CFCA Chairperson: John Hutchinson.
Sat 4
10TH ANNUAL ECKLER'S TOY RUN. Those interested in attending can meet at "Dogs R Us" 4200 S Washington Avenue, Titusville (on Route 1 about a mile and a half north of Eckler's) at 1100 for lunch and push off from there around 12:15. Will caravan down to Eckler's and be parked by Generation C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6. The only requirement is a Corvette and a donation: One Unwrapped Toy & Book or Gift Certificate (Suggested $20 minimum combined value; ages infant thru 18 for Disadvantaged Children of Brevard County), the larger group departs Eckler's at 2:00pm To Port Canaveral. This is a Rain or Shine event. There is an optional social following at Rusty's Seafood and Oyster Bar. Even though this is not an official CFCA Event, it should be a lot of fun and all for a good cause. For more info, contact Wiley Boland at
Sat 11

SHOW FOR HOPE, at Carl Black Chevrolet, Colonial Dr, East Orlando. Open Car Show jointly sponsored by Carl Black Chevrolet, Wide Track Warriors Pontiac Club, Buick Grand National Club, and the Central Florida Corvette Association. Only $20 pre-registration fee (by Dec 4th) or $25 day of show. Proceeds to benefit the Russell Home for Atypical Children. Peoples Choice judging to award Top 25 plus Sponsors Choice awards. Door prizes, 50-50, entertainment, FREE food on-site. Bring a new, unwrapped toy for Toys for Tots and receive an extra door prize ticket. Gates open at 9:00 am. Awards by 3:00 pm. Looking for a great turnout from CFCA. Come join us for a fun day with no stressful judging, all to benefit a great charity. CFCA will need 2 volunteers each to help with registration, parking, and awards. Click here for the Registration Form. Contact Hutch for more information. CFCA Chairperson: Hutch.
Thu 16
CFCA CHRISTMAS PARTY EXTRAVAGANZA, at Dubsdread Historic Taproom, Orlando,7 - 10pm. CFCA'S Christmas Party is our big formal event of the year with fine dining, music, member recognition, awards, door prizes, cash bar, entertainment, dancing, and loads of FUN! The event will be held at the Dubsdread Historic Taproom Restaurant, 549 W. Par Street, Orlando, FL 32804. Please note this year's event is being held on a THURSDAY evening, taking the place of our usual dinner meeting this month. We made this difficult choice for a number of reasons, including venue availability and most importantly, VALUE to our members. We are saving money and gaining no-cost bonuses that should help make this a memorable event for us all. This is our biggest social event of the year so you will NOT want to miss this one! We will have 20 reserved parking spaces in front of the restaurant for CORVETTES ONLY (first come, first serve). CFCA is covering about 50% of the overall cost so the per member cost is only $30.00 each including gratuitiy. RSVP now and submit your payment to Ned Chatelain as soon as possible. Make checks payable to CFCA. Please do not arrive earlier than 6:45 as they need time to setup for us. Cya there! Chairpersons: Ned & Judy Chatelain.
Sun 19
NCCC FLORIDA REGION MEETING. Open to all NCCC Members. 10 AM, Ramada Celebration Resort (old Hyatt Motel), Orlando. Visit NCCC South web site for details.
Sun 19

RUSSELL HOME CHRISTMAS DRIVEOUT. The Russell Home for Atypical Children is our one and only charity, and we need your continued support to make this the best Christmas ever! This is a wonderous facility that brings so much love, kindness, and compassion to so many every day. If you have not had a chance to personally visit the home, then this is the perfect time to see what CFCA works so hard for all year! Please visit their site at for a complete listing of the children's Christmas Wish List and items/donations needed for the home. PLEASE BRING UNWRAPPED GIFTS FOR THE CHILDREN! Those wishing to caravan over should join us at Courtesy Chevrolet on Semoran Blvd (436) just north of the Orlando Internatonal Airport. We will depart from Courtesy at approximately 11:15AM, for an arrrival time of 11:30 at RH. Following our visit, we will all have lunch at Julies Waterfront ( located at 4201 South Orange Ave, Orlando, 32806, just 1/2 mile from the RH. PLEASE JOIN US ON DECEMBER 19TH! CFCA Chairperson: Doug Forbes.
Russell Home for Atypical Children, 510 Holden Ave., Orlando, FL 32839, 407-855-8063
Sat 25
Fri 31
CFCA NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY!!! Help celebrate 2010 and ring in 2011 with your fellow CFCA members at Mark and Margaret Adams' home. Beer, Wine, sodas, main course, chips, veggies, dips and other goodies provided. Champagne toast at midnight. Please bring your favorite dish to share. Arrive by 7:30 so we can eat at 8:00. CFCA chairpersons - Mark & Margaret Adams. Please RSVP to
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