CFCA 31st Anniversary Party
Thanks to Mark Gustetter for the photos!

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001.Mark arrived a wee bit too early (where is everyone).jpg 002.The Ashe's picnic area, before CFCA took it over.jpg 003.Don's latest four-wheeled toy.jpg 004.Ruth and Joan assist Big John with his, uh, balloons.jpg 005.What a pair.jpg
006.And then it was time to start setting up for the party.jpg 007.Pretty soon these checkered-flag tables would be filled with food.jpg 008.Obviously, Roger was NOT in charge of security.jpg 009.The Ashe's Party Barge arrives.jpg 010.Courtesy of CFCA's favorite Corvette dealer.jpg
011.Don also brought several past Vette event T-shirts for display.jpg 012.Is this here what y'all call a 'Corvette Corral'.jpg 013.Tom's recently rebuilt and now better than new '99 makes its debut.jpg 014.Very nice, Tom.jpg 015.CFCA's Black and Blue Vettes arrive.jpg
016.There was food, food and more food. And quite a few coolers, too.jpg 017.John Nagy (aka 'JD', aka 'Big John') makes an announcement.jpg 018.The Party Barge prepares to make its first cruise of the day.jpg 019.Bon voyage, Captain Don.jpg 020.Kim brought his beautiful new '90 ZR1.jpg
021.So, Kim, when are we gonna see this bad boy at some shows.jpg 022.The party was just about to get kickin'.jpg 023.With everyone just waiting to hit the FOOD.jpg 024.In the meantime, Rob and Gary demonstrate great form with horeshoes (and cold ones).jpg 025.Arlene listens intently as Bubba catches up on Duane's out-of-town adventures.jpg

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