Corvettes in Paradise 2004
Thanks to Mark Gustetter for the photos!
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066.What beautiful curves you have, my dear.JPG 067.Okay, I'll bite---just what is Patricia photographing.JPG 068.Mark is finally in a photo, and with the beautiful Jennifer and her daughter, Taylor, no less.JPG 069.Marie does a last minute spot check before the start of the awards ceremony.JPG 070.Bill accepting his C5 award.JPG 071.Larry accepting his C5 award.JPG
072.Kim and Lisa accepting their ZR1 award.JPG 073.Hutch accepting his C4 award.JPG 074.Barbara accepting her and Ken's C4 award.JPG 075.BJ accepting his C4 award.JPG 076.Duane and Arlene accepting their C5 award.JPG 077.Jim accepting his C5 award.JPG
078.Bob accepting his C3 award.JPG 079.Mark accepting his C4 award.JPG 080.BJ accepting CFCA's Club Participation award.JPG 081.So, who needs a mermaid anyway when you have all these trophies.JPG 082.A very happy Ken and Barbara with their trophy and Corvette, making Don and Tina proud.JPG 083.Larry with his trophy and Corvette, a happy camper heading home to Bonnie.JPG
084.Rise and shine, Corvetters, it's Sunday morning, and time to head for Key West.JPG 085.Now, why would anyone want to come to Key West, huh.JPG 086.This Presidential Cadillac Fleetwood was parked right across the street from the Truman compound.JPG 087.Another fine example of some of GM's better work.JPG 088.One of Key West's many interesting buildings.JPG 089.And one of its more unique buildings.JPG
090.Room 5 at the Red Rooster (very nice).JPG 091.Room 5's bath (not too shabby).JPG 092.The Master Suite at the Curry Mansion Inn (VERY nice).JPG 093.Just part of the the Master Suite's Master Bath (WOW).JPG 094.Inside the Curry Mansion.JPG 095.The Curry Mansion's Dining Room.JPG

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