Tybee Island Show 2004
Thanks to Mark Gustetter, Arch Simonson, and Henry Graeber for the photos!

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001.8 AM and it's time to hit the road for GEORGIA.JPG 002.At our first pit stop in Jax, we take over the parking area (note the price of gas).JPG 003.Arch and Bob admire the machines.JPG 004.Bill watches over his '02 and Tyson's '79.JPG 005.We stopped for an early lunch at Captain Joe's Seafood restaurant.JPG
006.Lunch for 22, no lines, no waiting.JPG 007.Not exactly 'fine dining'---.JPG 008.---But we were pretty hungry.JPG 009.You know you're in Georgia, when . . . JPG.JPG 010.Full of food and gas (no, not that kind of gas), we prepare to hit the road again.JPG
011.7 hours after leaving Lake Mary, we arrive at our hotel.JPG 012.Where 'Corvettes Only' parking has been set up for us.JPG 013.Our rooms overlooked a little bit of parking and a lot of beach.JPG 014.Once we unpacked our steeds, it was time to play tourists.JPG 015.And we didn't worry about the Vettes, because Tybee's finest kept watch.JPG
016.Bill consoled BJ, while Patty shopped the Art Galleries.JPG 017.We prepare to do The Pier.JPG 018.BJ, Patty, Bill, Cindi and Henry make great tourists.JPG 019.Hmmm, I wonder how many Corvettes you could park here.JPG 020.Gee, what a horrible place to have a Corvette show.JPG
021.Patty and BJ, with the Ocean Plaza Hotel in the background.JPG 022.'Corvette Lovers,' that's us.JPG 023.Even the local IGA announced us.JPG 024.Our Corvette Caravan to dinner, without the Corvettes.JPG 025.10 blocks later, we arrive at The Grill for dinner.JPG

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