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Vettes at the Villages 2005
Thanks to Mark Gustetter for the photos!
001.Mark's '59, pre-show.jpg 002.A new show venue inside the Villages this year.jpg 003.A quaint recreation of a seaside village.jpg 004.Great examples of all generations were on display.jpg 005.The weather and scenery could not have been any better.jpg
006.Furry friends joined in, too.jpg 007.The street were overtaken by Corvettes.jpg 008.The perfect '63 split window coupe.jpg 009.The perfect place to get dessert.jpg 010.Corvettes everywhere.jpg
011.Corvettes even wrapped around the block.jpg 012.Yellow was popular at this particular location.jpg 013.This beautiful Cascade Green '57 was a real standout.jpg 014.Did I mention that the weather was fantastic.jpg 015.While it might all be faux, the village was, nevertheless, very nice to look at.jpg
016.The crowds continued to grow all day.jpg 017.The village put out the welcome mat, big time.jpg 018.A few C6's even snuck in.jpg 019.A truly nice place to retire.jpg 020.Snappy.jpg
021.A very nice Ermine White '61.jpg 022.Hopefully next year's show will be just a s perfect.jpg 023.Special provisions were made for us.jpg 024.Like for Duane and Arlene, and Lisa and Kim.jpg 025.Lisa was on a mission to win.jpg

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