The Central Florida Corvette Association's Calendar of Events for 2009
Thu 1
HAPPY NEW YEAR!. No CFCA meeting tonight.
Fri 2
FLAGLER BEACH CORVETTE CRUISE-IN. No registration fee, live jazz, free food. CFCA will meet at the I-4 East rest area (near Hwy 434) at 3:15 and depart at 3:30 to proceed to the Deland area to meet up with others. We will travel route 11 to Bunnell 100 to Flager Beach. The show itself is from 6 to 9 pm. Cars need to show up between 5 and 6 pm. Click here for a map. All Corvettes will enter on South 3rd St ONLY. They will follow directions to their parking space. All vehicle owners are asked to remain at the event until 9 pm. If you need to leave early, please see a Police Officer and have them escort you out. You can get your FREE FOOD tickets at the Information Table immediately adjacent to the band. If you own FRS radios, bring them. CFCA please let Don/Betty Ashe know if you plan to attend by emailing
Fri 9
CFCA BOARD MEETING. 7 pm at Bad Acres (Don & Betty's home), 1670 Tallapoosa Dr, Geneva (Seminole Woods), FL. Everyone encouraged to attend, pizza and beverages will be provided.
Thu 15
CFCA MEETING. At Classic Chevrolet - 7:00 p.m. (Note the new time!) Visitors and Guests are ALWAYS welcome!
Sat 17
DON GARLITS MUSEUM DRIVEOUT. Join us for a driveout to the famous Don Garlits Drag Racing Museum. We will meet at The Cracker Barrel Restaurant off I-4 on Kirkman Rd exit 75B (5859 Caravan Ct). Arrive around 8:15 am if you want breakfast. We will depart from The Cracker Barrel at 9:30 am sharp and caravan to the museum for arrival around 10:35 am. Upon arrival, Mr. Big Daddy Don Garlits himself will greet us and give us an up close and personal tour. The cost for this special tour is $25.00 per person. Don't miss this very special CFCA event. Members only, please. Event Chairperson: Steve Wentling.
Sat 17
REFLECTIONS IN GLASS XXVI. America’s Corvette Club’s 2009 Reflections in Glass XXVI car will be held on Saturday January 17, 2009 and will include two separate shows (one all Corvettes & the other GM Cars & Trucks combined) at the same location with a total of 63 judged classes between them! The shows will be held at the Mission Bay Plaza in Boca Raton, Florida. This is located on State Road 7 (US 441) and Glades Road, just a short distance west of the Florida Turnpike. In order to park club members’ cars together, they would appreciate registering prior to January 10, 2009. Click here for a Registration Form or visit for more info.
Wed-Sat 21-24
NCRS 31ST ANNIVERSARY WINTER REGIONAL MEET. Join us for breakfast and a driveout to the Southeast's Largest Corvette Show & Swap Meet, the 31st National Corvette Restorers Society Winter Regional Meet. We will meet at The OBT Cracker Barrel Restaurant in Hunters Creek off 417 (13300 S. Orange Blossom Trail). Arrive around 7:30 a.m. if you want breakfast. We will depart from The Cracker Barrel at 9:00 a.m. sharp and caravan to Old Town, 1 mile east of I-4 in Kissimmee (5770 W Bronson Memorial Hwy). It should take about 15 minutes to get there. Over 300 Corvettes will be on display, as well as celebrity guests, Chevrolet Corvette Engineers, For Sale Corral, and Top Corvette Vendors. Take a moment to visit for more information. Event Chairperson: Wiley Boland. See you there!"
Sun 25
13TH ANNUAL WONDERFUL WORLD OF CORVETTES. Corvette show at Old Town, Kissimmee, sponsored by Classic Corvettes of Orlando. Best of Show, First in Class (C1-C6), Sponsor Trophies, Top 25. $100 Club Participation (min 10 cars). Door prizes, 50-50, music. All years and types invitied. $25 pre-registration, $30 day of show. Free event t-shirt & dash plaque. Visit or call 321-727-7916 or 407-884-7155 for more info.
Thu 5
CFCA MEETING. At Classic Chevrolet - 7:00 p.m. Visitors and Guests are ALWAYS welcome!
Sat 7
4TH ANNUAL PARROT HEADS TEXAS HOLD'EM POKER TOURNAMENT. All proceeds will be donated to the Russell Home for Atypical Children. $25 advance donation, $30 at the door. Limited to 100 players. It will be held at McWells Restaurant, 4757 S. Orange Ave. at the corner of Holden and S. Orange Ave. Doors open at 5:30, play begins at 7:00 pm. Click Here for a flyer. If you have any questions, contact Paul Fraas at 407-856-4065 or email
Thu 19
CFCA MEETING. At Classic Chevrolet - 7:00 p.m. Visitors and Guests are ALWAYS welcome!
MARCH 2009
Thu 5
CFCA ANNUAL MEETING. At Classic Chevrolet - 7:00 p.m. Visitors and Guests are ALWAYS welcome! This is our Annual Meeting to discuss and approve SOP & By Laws revisions so all members are encouraged to attend.
Sat 14
CORVETTES & COFFEE CRUISE-IN. Beginning at 9:00 am at VIP Corvettes & Accessories, 25310 SR 46, Sorrento, FL 32776 (between Mt Dora and Sanford).
Click here for the event flyer.
Fri-Sat 13-14

FLORIDA REGION NCCC AWARDS BANQUET. Ramada Orlando Celebration Resort & Convention Center. Friday night dinner at Texas de Brazil. Meet in hotel lobby at 6:30 pm. $40.00 per person. Saturday night awards banquet at the Ramada. Cocktails - 5:00 pm. Awards - 6:00 pm. Dinner 7:00 pm. $25 per person incl gratuity. Send checks by 3/1/09 to Lisa Cole, 8665 Hillside Dr, Orlando, FL 32810. The Sat night awards banquet has been voted on as a CFCA event so all CFCA members are encouraged to attend. Click here for the event flyer.
Wed 18 - Sat 21
57TH ANNUAL MOBIL-1 12 HOURS OF SEBRING. Special Corvette Corral ticket packages are available through Sebring International Raceway (visit for info). You MUST have one of these special tickets to park in the Corvette Corral. Cost is 1 Day 1 Person: $145 or 1 Day 2 Persons: $225, which includes Corvettes only parking in the corral. The package also includes a hospitality tent with lunch served, snacks, drinks, TV coverage of the race, GM displays and a special reserved grandstand viewing area for corral members only. Corral tickets must be ordered by phone or by US Mail, they are not available through the Sebring web site. Call 800-626-7223 to order. When ordering be sure to request the Corvette Corral tickets. CFCA Chairperson: TBD. Contact Jeff Douglas ( if interested in making this a CFCA event.
Thu 19
CFCA MEETING. At Classic Chevrolet - 7:00 p.m. (Note the new time!) Visitors and Guests are ALWAYS welcome!
Fri 20
CFCA NIGHT AT THE TRACK. Drag racing at Orlando Speed World near Bithlo. CFCA meet at the Amazon Village Parking Lot (old Builder's Square) next to Krystal's Restaurant on Hwy 50 and Rouse Rd between 5:00 and 5:30 pm. Drivers must have a helmet to race (we should have extras you can borrow). $10 to watch, $15 to race. This is just for fun so come on out and give it a try! Chairperson: Don Ashe.
Sat 21
RALLY AGAINST CANCER. Poker Run Against Cancer. Motorcycles, Cars, Trucks, Bicycles. $20.00 per Poker hand includes Rally T-Shirt. Each additional Poker hand $10.00. Lunch $15.00. Depart Space Coast Cancer Center, 490 N Washington Ave, Titusville. Travel the Poker route and end at Fox Lake Park. Sponsored by Space Coast Medical Associates Foundation.
Sat 28
CFCA DINNER DRIVEOUT TO CONCH KEY. Join CFCA for a dinner driveout to Conch Key restaurant in Rockledge. Meet at Courtesy Chevrolet on SR 436 near the airport at 4 pm. PLEASE RSVP to Margaret Adams NLT March 25th by emailing or sign the sign up sheet at any CFCA meeting. CFCA Chairperson: Margaret Adams.
APRIL 2009
Thu 2
CFCA MEETING. At Classic Chevrolet - 7:00 p.m. Visitors and Guests are ALWAYS welcome!
Sat 11
CFCA SPONSORS POKER RALLY. A traditional Poker Rally that will take us by several CFCA sponsors' busineses around Orlando followed by lunch at Dub's Dread. Multiple prizes to be awarded to the winning hands. No entry fee. Meet at Roger's Corvette Center, 8675 N. Orlando Avenue, Maitland, at 9:45 am. Driver's meeting at 10:00 am. 1st car out at 10:15 am. Don't be late! CFCA Chairperson: Patti Hutchinson.
Thu 16
CFCA MEETING. At Classic Chevrolet - 7:00 p.m. Visitors and Guests are ALWAYS welcome!
Sat 18
CFCA PROGRESSIVE DINNER. Sorry, this event has been CANCELLED. We'll try to arrange another date in the near future.
Sat 18
8TH ANNUAL VETTES AT THE PORT. Peoples Choice NCCC Concours sponsored by the Cape Kennedy Corvette Club (CKCC). Registration opens at 8:00 am, closes at 11:30 am. 11 People's Choice Classes. Trophies awarded for all classifications. Live DJ, Doorprizes, 50-50, Poker Walk. Proceeds to benefit the National Kidney Foundation. Pre-registration prior to Apr 11th is $25, $30 day of show. Entry fee includes t-shirt and dash plaque. CKCC cars will be display only. CFCA will meet at the Cracker Barrel on Hwy 50 & I-95 at 8:00 am for breakfast and then caravan over to the show at 9:00 am so we can all park together. CFCA Chairperson: John Hutchinson. Click here for an entry form.
Sat 18
CORVETTES AT COLONIAL TOWN PARK - LAKE MARY. 8am to 4pm (All cars must be parked by 9:30am). Classes: C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, Modified & Custom. Best of Show, Holler's Choice, President's Choice, Sponsor Trophies & Best Engine. $30 entry fee includes t-shirt. Sponsored by Florida Corvette Club & Holler Chevrolet.
At Click here for a flyer.
Sat 25
KULTURE KLASH - OVIEDO. A car and motorcycle show at Hagerty High School, 3225 Lockwood Blvd, Oviedo with a $1000.00 grand prize for Best In Show!! Proceeds to benefit the Hagerty High School athletics department. $50 registration fee. Registration from 7:00am to 10:00am with awards at 5:00pm. Click here for a registration form.
Sun 26
CFCA PANCAKE BREAKFAST AT DELEON SPRINGS. ADVANCE SIGNUP REQUIRED! LIMITED TO ONLY 30 PARTICIPANTS! CFCA MEMBERS ONLY, PLEASE. Join us for a driveout and meal at the Old Spanish Sugar Mill Grill & Griddle House inside DeLeon Springs State Park. In this unique restaurant, you cook your own eggs and pancakes on a griddle right at your table. CFCA will meet at the eastbound I-4 Longwood/Lake Mary Rest Area at 9:00 am. There is a nominal fee of $5.00 per car to enter the park plus the cost of breakfast. Members that have not yet signed up but want to attend can send an email to: A "waiting list" will be kept once we have reached our maximum number of 30 participants. If anyone that is signed up finds that they cannot go at the last minute, please either email or call Sandy Moore at (407) 654-4019 by noon on Saturday, April 25th so we can notify the next person on the waiting list. Note: As of Mar 26th, only 3 spots remain. Sign up NOW if you want to attend! CFCA Chairpersons: Sandy Moore & Judy Chatelain.
MAY 2009
Fri-Sun 1-3
VETTE FEST '09. A charity event to support Big Brothers/Big Sisters and to raise money to purchase phone cards for our overseas millitary personnel. Our sponsors, Coca-Cola, Monster Energy, 360 Forged, Mid America Motorworks, National Van Lines, The National Corvette Museum, General Motors, The United States Marine Corps and the US Army are supporting a 3 day nationally publicized event with everything from Burnout Contests, Bike, Car & Vette Shows, Bikini contests hosted by Hawaiian Tropic, Honor Guard ceremonies by the Army and USMC, Vendor and Sponsor Villages and more. This event will crest Sunday evening with a concert that will be Linked live to the front lines in Iraq. This is the first time that the Vette & Harley communities have joined together for a great cause with the involvement of the USMC and US Army. For more information, a schedule, and registration form, visit
Sat 2
31ST ANNUAL CHARITY GOLF INVITATIONAL to benefit The Russell Home for Atypical Children. Click here for a flyer.
Sun 3
Thu 7
CFCA MEETING. At Classic Chevrolet - 7:00 p.m. Visitors and Guests are ALWAYS welcome!
Fri 8
2010 CAMARO UNVEILING AT CLASSIC CHEVROLET. CFCA has been invited to the unveiling of the new 2010 Chevrolet Camaro at Classic Chevy in Altamonte Springs on Friday, May 8th from 5pm - 8pm. Food will be served, there is a Guitar Hero competition for some prizes and best of all will be the opportunity to see the new 2010 Camaro up close!! Please RSVP Sherry Link at Classic Chevrolet at: 407-297-4321 or you can email Ned Chatelain at Would be nice if a number of our CFCA club members attended since Classic is one of our major sponsors.
Sat 16
CFCA 36TH ANNIVERSARY DINNER at LIMONCELLO'S WATERFRONT RESTAURANTE", 530 N Palmetto Ave, Sanford, FL 32771 - 6:00 p.m. This is the former "Oscars" Restaurant, located on the same lot as the Rivership Romance. They have a full bar, and menu with a variety of sandwiches, and full couse dinners topping out at $18.99. CFCA Chairperson: Doug Forbes.
Thu 21
CFCA MEETING. At Classic Chevrolet - 7:00 p.m. Visitors and Guests are ALWAYS welcome!
Fri 29
CFCA NIGHT AT THE TRACK. Drag racing at Orlando Speed World near Bithlo. CFCA meet at the Amazon Village Parking Lot (old Builder's Square) next to Krystal's Restaurant on Hwy 50 and Rouse Rd between 5:00 and 5:30 pm. Drivers must have a helmet to race (we should have extras you can borrow). $10 to watch, $15 to race. This is just for fun so come on out and give it a try! Chairperson: Chuck Powers.
JUNE 2009
Thu 18
CFCA MEETING. At Classic Chevrolet - 7:00 p.m. Visitors and Guests are ALWAYS welcome!
Sat 20
CFCA AT SLEUTH'S MYSTERY DINNER THEATER. Join CFCA as we participate in a fun night out with dinner and a mystery to solve at Sleuth's Mystery Dinner Theater, 8267 International Drive in Gooding's Plaza. Please arrive by 6:45 pm so we can be seated as a group. We did this a couple years ago and had a blast so come join us for some fun! Meal Choices include: Cornish Game Hen ($42 pp), Lasgna ($42 pp), Vegetarian Lasgna ($42 pp) or Prime Rib ($45 pp). Prices include the show, meal, gratuity, and UNLIMITED beer, wine and Pesi products. Your RSVP, meal choice, and pre-payment must be received by Tuesday, June 16th! Sorry, but as they require a firm headcount there can be no refunds. Send your payment to Patti Hutchinson, 13644 Crystal River Dr, Orlando, FL 32828. CFCA Chairperson: Patti Hutchinson.
Sun 28
CFCA VISIT TO THE RUSSELL HOME. CFCA will meet at 11:00 am for brunch at the Holiday Inn, 5750 T.G. Lee blvd., South of Courtesy Chevy on the left. Price for Buffet is $10.95 per person. Caravan to Russell Home afterwards to arrive at 1:00 pm. Bring household items to donate. Specifically requested items include:
Bottled Water (8 or 16oz. size)
Paper Plates
Solo Cups
Plastic Utensils
Paper Towels
Gift Gas Cards to "Racetrack" stations
"Low-key" fireworks such as sparklers for July 4th
In addition, the Russell Home always needs household cleaners, laundry detergent, paper products, dry or canned food products, etc. CFCA Chairperson: Doug Forbes (
JULY 2009
Thu 16
CFCA MEETING. At Classic Chevrolet - 7:00 p.m. Visitors and Guests are ALWAYS welcome!
Sat 25
CFCA MIDNIGHT BOWLING PARTY. We will meet at Friendly Confines (the old "Gators") located at Semoran & Aloma at 8:00pm and then head over to Aloma Lanes Bowling Center (407-671-8675). Registration begins at 9:45pm. The cost is about $13 per person plus shoes (includes 3 games per person). The bowling center will have cash prizes etc throughout the night. See ya then! More info TBA. CFCA Chairperson: Chuck Powers.
Thu 20
CFCA MEETING. At Classic Chevrolet - 7:00 p.m. Visitors and Guests are ALWAYS welcome!
Sep 1 -Sep 5
NATIONAL CORVETTE CARAVAN TO THE NATIONAL CORVETTE MUSEUM! Start making your plans NOW to participate in this huge event as Corvettes from all over the country gather in multiple caravans to converge at the National Corvette Museum in Bowling Green Kentucky for the NCM's 15th anniversary. If you've never participated in a National Corvette Caravan, this really is a must do event. There is nothing quite like the sight of a string of Corvettes MILES long running down the highway. You must register to particpate. Cost is $25 per person and includes a free event t-shirt, a real bargain for this once-in-a-lifetime event! Visit the National Corvette Caravan web site for more info or click here to Register now. CFCA Chairperson: TBD.
Thu 10
CFCA DINNER DRIVEOUT. At Logan's Bistro, September 10 at 7 pm. The restaurant is located at: 802 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803. Their phone is: 407-898-5688. Directions are easy: South on Mills Avenue (17-92), turn West on Virginia Drive 2 blocks on your left. If your using I-4, take Princeton exit East to 17-92, South on 17-92 a few blocks to Virginia, turn right (West) go 2 blocks to Logan's. Variety of food from fish 'n chips to pot roast to wonderful salads to gourmet burgers, homemade soups and lots more. Homemade desserts, beer & wine and a nice atmosphere. RSVP to Ned Chatelain, or 407-671-9599. Please come and support our newest sponsor. You will enjoy!!
Thu 17
CFCA MEETING. At Classic Chevrolet - 7:00 p.m. Visitors and Guests are ALWAYS welcome!
Sat 26
CORVETTES AT ST. CLOUD. Judged NCCC Wash-n-Show Corvette show combined with sponsor, Dicey Reilly’s Irish Pub and Eatery's “Halfway to St. Patty’s Day” Event featuring live Irish dancers and music. Added trophies for: Best Paint, Best Interior and Longest Distance Travelled. DJ, door prizes, 50-50, goodie bag, free event t-shirt to first 100 Corvettes. $25 Pre-Registration before Sep 14th. $30 day of show. Click here for a flyer.
Thu 1
CFCA MEETING. At Classic Chevrolet - 7:00 p.m. Visitors and Guests are ALWAYS welcome!
Sat 3
VETTE FEST. Annual Vette Fest at Old Town, Kissimmee. CFCA will meet for Breakfast at 8:30 am, depart at 9:30, from the Cracker Barrel off Major Blvd adjacent to Universal Main Entrance on Kirkman Rd. Please email Wiley Boland ( or Don Ashe ( that you are planning to attend.
Sat 10
CHRIS CRUZ ARTISTRY DRIVEOUT. We will take a leisurely drive to visit auto and motorcycle artist extraordinairre, Chris Cruz, at his facility at 1622 Parade Circle, DeLand, Florida 32724 ( We will have a tour of their impressive workshop and take a look at some of his latest creations. The more people the better and we will need an approx. headcount as the date gets closer. We plan to have lunch afterwards at one of our new sponsors, the Swamp House Bar & Grill in Debary. We will meet at the eastbound Lake Mary rest stop on I-4 just past Hwy 434 in Longwood at around 9:15am and depart at 9:30am. Come join us! Please RSVP to Judy Chatelain at or call 407-671-9599. CFCA Chairperson: Judy Chatelain.
Sun 11
CORVETTES AT THE BEACH. Judged Corvette show at Flagler Beach. Hosted by the Flagler County Corvette Club. $25 pre-reg, $30 after Sep 26th. Event t-shirt & dash plaque to 1st 100 cars. Shopping, Dining, Lodging, Music, Beach, Door Prizes, 50/50. Click here for a registration form.
Thu 15
CFCA MEETING. At Classic Chevrolet - 7:00 p.m. Visitors and Guests are ALWAYS welcome!
Sat 17
VETTES ON THE AVENUE, hosted by Space Coast Corvette Club to benefit Hacienda Girls Ranch. In Historic Downtown Melbourne.
From I-95, East on US 192 to Waverly Place, Follow signs to registration. $35 day of show registration. Click here for a registration form.
Wed 21
WINTER PARK HS HOMECOMING. Winter Park HS, 5:00 pm. Proceeds benefit the Russell Home for Atypical Children. Click here for details.
Fri 30
MASTERS ACADEMY HS HOMECOMING. Masters Academy HS, Oviedo, 6:00 pm. Proceeds benefit the Russell Home for Atypical Children. Click here for details.
Sat 31
Please Note that this show has been CANCELLED for this year due to the poor economy. With luck we'll be back next year with a bigger and better show for all! Meanwhile, please consider supporting The Russell Home for Atypical Children in other ways. Thank you!
Sun 1
CFCA MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL DEADLINE. 2010 CFCA Membership Renewals must be received by Nov 1st, 2009 to avoid higher membership fees. Download the CFCA Membership Renewal Form. Mail the completed form and appropriate fee to Sonja Blazetic, Membership Director, or bring it to any meeting before the deadline.
Thu 5
CFCA MEETING. At Classic Chevrolet - 7:00 p.m. Visitors and Guests are ALWAYS welcome. NOMINATIONS DEADLINE TONIGHT for elected officer positions and Member of the Year! If you won't be able to attend the voting date meeting on November 19, 2009, you can vote with an Absentee Ballot. Absentee Ballots must be returned to the Nomination Chairperson (Betty Ashe) by the end of November 18, 2009 to be counted. Nominations, requests, ideas, or questions, can be e-mailed to Betty at
As of 10/8/09, the current nominations are:
John "Hutch" Hutchinson
Chuck Powers
Mark Adams
Donald Ashe
Margaret Adams
Sonja Blazetic
Sandy Moore
Samy Mendoza
Wiley Boland
Ned Chatelain
Doug Forbes
John Hutchinson
Chuck Powers
Sat 7
16th ANNUAL CORVETTES IN PARADISE, Islamorada, Florida Keys. Sponsored by the Florida Keys Corvette Club. To be held ONE LAST TIME (no, really!) at the Holiday Isle Beach Resort, U.S. 1, Mile Marker #84, in Islamorada. Only the first 100 cars registered will be judged. 20 classes, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. Special Guest, Dave McClellan, will again be on hand for this last show at the Isle. 50-50 Drawing, Raffles, and LOTS of fun! Pre-Registration prior to Oct 23rd, $35. After Oct 22nd, $35. $40 after Oct 23rd. $20 Display only. Click here for a show flyer and registration form. For those that wish to caravan down as a group, CFCA will be departing from the Cracker Barrel Restaurant on 417 & OBT at 8:00 am on Friday, Nov 6th. Arrive earlier if you want to eat breakfast. Click here for driving directions and info. If you have any questions about the event itself, call MARIE from the Florida Keys Corvette Club at 305-872-9641. This is guaranteed to be one of the most FUN events of the year. Hope to see you there! CFCA Chairpersons: Hutch & Patti Hutchinson.
Sun 8
8TH ANNUAL WINTER PARK CONCOURS D'ELEGANCE. An invitational, judged event celebrating the art of automotive design. This extraordinary event showcases the world’s most exotic automobiles & motorcycles. 2008 Honor Marques: Aston Martin, Jaguar and Austin Healey. Other 2008 Marques: Mercedes Benz, MG , Ferrari, Maserati, Rolls-Royce, Bentley, Morgan, Triumph, Porsche, Lamborghini, Lotus, and Volvo with special exhibits of original Hot Rods, American Muscle Cars,Classic Corvettes, American Classics, Audi and BMW. Over 185 Exotic and Rare Automobiles will be invited for display and judging on the streets of downtown Winter Park. For more info, visit
Thu 19
CFCA MEETING. At Classic Chevrolet - 7:00 p.m. Visitors and Guests are ALWAYS welcome. ANNUAL ELECTIONS TONIGHT for elected officer positions and Member of the Year! You may vote in person at this meeting or via absentee ballot. Absentee Ballots must be returned to the Nomination Chairperson (Betty Ashe) by the end of November 18, 2009 to be counted. Nominations, requests, ideas, or questions, can be e-mailed to Betty at
Fri 20
CFCA NIGHT AT THE DRAGS. Someone got new tires, someone got new exhausts, someone got a new tune-up, someone got a new engine. Now it's time to race again. How about Friday, November 20th at Orlando Speedworld? We can meet like we did before, between 5:30-6:00 pm at Amazon Village Mall (old Builders Square) on SR50 & Rouse Rd. next to Krystal's. Please bring your helmets, if you have extras bring them along also, and don't forget to wear LONG PANTS!!! Cost is $10.00 to watch, $15.00 to race. Probably followed by a delicious gourmet meal at Steak & Shake. Last time out we had no trouble getting in plenty of runs. I ran the track 7 times. Let's see more happy smiling faces this time around. Questions? Contact Chuck Powers at
Sat 21

33RD ANNUAL TITUSVILLE CORVETTE CLUB CONCOURS FOR CHARITY. Where: Eckler's - 5200 S. Washington Ave - Titusville FL. An open Car, Truck and Street Rod Show with a Special Show for Corvettes. Open Car, Truck and Street Rod Show Registration is from 9am-12pm, Awards at 3pm. BBQ by Rax on the Trax. Vehicle Photos by Transcolor Photo. 50/50, Silent Auction. Proceeds to Benefit The Spina Bifida Association. Also Ssve 10%* off in the Eckler's Showroom the day of the show! For more info click here for the event flyer or call 321-693-8875.
Sat 21
ALE HOUSE CAR SHOW IN WINTER PARK. The Ale House is holding its 1st annual classic, custom, and exotic car show in Winter Park. They will be hosting a fully free (every car that registers receives a free beer and a t-shirt!) car show on Saturday, November 21st from 12-5pm. There will be 100-130 spaces available, and they recommend pre-registering and arriving early (between 10-11am). Click here for the flyer.
Sat 21
ULTIMATE CORVETTE PARTY at Ferman Chevrolet’s New Corvette & GM Accessory Building, 9839 Adamo Dr (Hwy. 60 in Brandon) Tampa, FL 33619. Something a little different this year... Not a Show... It’s a Corvette BAR-B-Q! Come join your fellow Corvette Owners for the biggest Corvette Bar-B-Q around. Come have fun... Meet new Friends... Eat... tell Corvette Stories... play games... good music... just have FUN with your Corvette Buddies. November 21, 2009 10:00 A.M. to 3:30 P.M. or whenever you want to leave. $15.00 Registration entitles you to 1 food ticket. Add’l food tickets at event. If you like you can bring a SIDE DISH (for 4 to 6 people) Chips or dessert, etc. to go on the big food table for all to share. Click HERE for Registration Form.
Thu 3
CFCA MEETING. At Classic Chevrolet - 7:30 p.m. Visitors and Guests are ALWAYS welcome!
Sat, 5
CFCA CHRISTMAS PARTY, Radisson University Hotel on Alafaya & Hwy 50. CFCA'S Christmas Party is our big formal event of the year with fine dining, music, member recognition, awards, door prizes, cash bar, and loads of FUN! The event will be held at the Radisson University Hotel, 1724 Alafaya Trail (located just north of Colonial Hwy 50) in east Orlando. This is our biggest social event of the year so you will NOT want to miss this one! A professional DJ (DJ 007) will be on hand for entertainment and dancing. Cocktails are at 7:00 pm and Dinner is at 7:45 pm. Pre-payment is required... $25.00 for CFCA members and Guests are $35.00 (CFCA covers the rest of the cost). Payment should be sent to Darrell Donner, Treasurer, 101 Bellingrath Lane, Deland, FL 32724. Please no payments at the door! Contact Ned Chatelain for more information and to RSVP but please do so ASAP so we can get a final count. CFCA Chairpersons: Ned & Judy Chatelain.
Sun 13
RUSSELL HOME CHRISTMAS DRIVEOUT. Those wishing to caravan over to the Russell Home, please join us at 9:30AM for a breakfast buffet ($10.95) at the Holiday Inn, just north of the Orlando International Airport, and across from Courtesy Chevrolet on Semoran Blvd.(436). We will depart the Holiday Inn at approximately 11:15AM for an approximate arrival time at RH of 11:30AM. The RH will be undergoing a massive renovation period in 2010. More than ever they are in need of supplies for the home. This is a opportunity for our great group to really make a difference for the holidays, and beyond. The Russell Home is what CFCA works so hard for all year, and we would like to see our best participation ever !!! And don't forget our special "SANTA" has graciously accepted Dorothy's invite to once again make the day very special for the kids. Please visit their site at for a complete listing of THE children's Christmas Wish List and items/donations needed for the home. BRING UNWRAPPED GIFTS FOR THE CHILDREN! If you have not had a chance to personally visit the home, this is your chance to see what CFCA works so hard for, and why we are so dedicated to helping them. I guarantee it will be an awesome experience for you to see the actual facility, the kids, and the remarkable work that the Russell Family does to bring love, and kindness to so many on a daily basis. PLEASE JOIN US ON DECEMBER 13TH !!!!!! CFCA Chairperson: Doug Forbes.
Holiday Inn OIA, 5750 T.G. Lee Blvd., Orlando, FL 32822, Front Desk: 407-851-6400
Russell Home for Atypical Children, 510 Holden Ave., Orlando, FlL 32839, 407-855-8063
Thu 17
CFCA DINNER MEETING. 6:30pm – Meet for cocktails at "The Saloon" Bar. Dinner at Monroe’s next door at around 7pm. Both at: Route 46 Entertainment District, 4316 West SR 46 – Sanford, FL (Next to BJ’s Wholesale). Click here for a map. Visit for info. Please RSVP to Ned Chatelain or call 407-671-9599.
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